Chapter 9

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  Eva's Pov
Oh my god.

   "Woah",Alex said as we pulled away from the kiss, trying to catch our breaths.

  I just gave him a small smile before turning back to the movie. I felt him inch closer to me and wrap his arm around my waist. I just leaned on him,enjoying the feel of his body against mine.

  Half an hour later...

"Alex!, Mark's here!".Alex's mum said from downstairs.

  "Its about time",Alex said under his breath,making me laugh.

  "What took you guys so long?",I asked as soon as i set my eyes on them.

  "Well someone had to stop for ice cream",Shirley said glaring at Mark.

  "Well,sorry i had a craving for it",Mark said shrugging.

  I just rolled my eyes,while Alex let out a chuckle,probably used to his weirdness.

  "Lets get started shall we", i said heading up the stairs to Alex's room so we could get started on the project..

"Ok,so lets do a slide show", i suggested.

  "Yeah,we could Show all the Presidents one by one with short notes under them,about their laws,the year they ruled,stuffs like that",Shirley added.

  "That's a great idea", Alex said grinning at me.

  "That's why i chose you guys as our partners",Mark said hugging Shirley and winking at me.

   We all chuckled and got back to our work..

  Around 6,i suggested we all head home and finish the project tomorrow.

  "Bye guys",Shirley said as she got into Mark's car,since he was her ride home.

Alex and i waved at them as they drove away.

"Let's get you home",Alec said heading to his car and gesturing for me to follow..

We drove in silence until we reached my house..

  We both got out of the car,walking to my front door in silence..

"Thanks for the ride",i said looking up at him,since he was  taller than me..

  "You are welcome",he said smiling at me.

   We just stood there staring at each other.. I really don't know what i was waiting for,but i was expecting something... Anything!!

   He did nothing, so i decided to head into the house before mum comes out and sees both of us..

  As i was about to pull the door open, i was pulled backwards,i wasn't even allowed to stable myself,i felt something moist and warm on my lips..

  It didn't take me time to realise that Alex was kissing me,so i began kissing back,tangling my fingers in his hair while he wrapped his arms around my waist.

  "Woah",he said again. I just chuckled,resting my forehead on his chest since i couldn't pass his shoulder...

  "Ok,now i really have to go",i said detaching myself from him.

"Ok,see you tomorrow",he said before giving me a kiss on the cheek,then he got into his car and drove away...

  I entered into my house,i headed straight to my room..

After a taking a shower and changing into my pyjamas, i laid on my bed,thinking about everything..

  My dad...


  The kiss...

Do i like Alex?

That question kept ringing in my head.

I Don't know !!!

I decided to let sleep take over me as i drifted into dreamless slumber..

Hope you guys liked it,sorry it's short, but i want the book to end at chapter 16-20 so I'm taking it slow..

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