i bake the fakes

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before i start ranting my ass off, let me introduce myself.

                 hi i'm jaymes, and i'm a junior at a certain school that suCCS. i'll tell you more about me later, i really need to get things off my chest at the moment. 

                           yeah, highschool really stinks. it wouldn't be so bad if all the kids weren't so shitty. 

    i can't help them all though, and who says i'm not shitty? in fact, i know i am, so i'm being kind of a hypocrite aren't i? oh well, this is my story, not theirs. 

             the reason i claim that im shitty is the fact that i'm pretty much the only non-fake person in my school. does that make me a good or bad person? some people say it's rude to admit the truth, but some people claim it's rude to hide it. 

                  WELL BETTY, i couldn't stand keeping quiet. i let people know i hate them, which is almost my whole school. that's probably why i only have a select few friends. some i don't even consider friends, but i need to hang out with somebody right? 

   god fake people really get my blood boiling, you have no idea. people will always rant to me because they know i won't say crap to the person they're ranting about. maybe because i'm not a dick?? but i have SO MUCH information i could spill for the world ladies. and honestly, i'm about to. people always come to me with: "oh my god i hate becca, she's a hoe right?" i'm just sitting there like "mmh, yeah.. how about you tell her that?" "nooo, i don't want to be rude." WELL HONEY, you're being rude by saying crap behind their back. bro i have to hold myself back from going up to becca and going, "sup b, rebecca told me she thinks you're a whore." like?? talking behind peoples back is such a childish move, complain to them if you have a problem. i only say crap i would say (or have already said) to the person because i'm not f a k e. 

                      one time this girl i hate came up to me and was like "do you like my hair?" and i'm like "nope, it's ugly." 

           HA, she left and told the principle on me. making me almost get suspended. like seriously? you can get suspended for anything these days. i miss when you could get into a fist fight at school and nothing would happen to you. i miss those times, where people weren't so fake and more straight forward. 

    when i hear people are talking about me, i confront them. this happened recently actually, it was quite a funny experience.

                 "how about you say it to my face?"

                           "how about you leave me alone?" 

   hunty, it doesn't work like that. sorry sweete. 

                                     we almost got into a fight in the middle of the freakin' locker room, but the gym teacher ran in. "what's going on?!!!!" 

                                           ain't it obvious pal? i'm about to pound these bitches.

                 you know what makes it worse? i considered these losers my friends. ha. what a lie.

                        imagine.. your best friend.. the one person you rely on and love more than anybody.. talking about you, being fake to you. now it ain't that surprising, which is super sad. i can't even think about it, i would be so sad. i would lose all the trust i have (which isn't much-) and i wouldn't know what to do with myself.

          she would totally get her ass beat though, just saying. 

                      she can't be fake to me, i love her. 

                                     anyway, that's my rant for today. don't be fake kids, or i'll beat you. bye!

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