never trust your lovers

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if you're in high school, you've probably been in a relationship or two.. 

if not, you're lucky.

                                                      you know why you're lucky? you can't trust jack shIT

break ups are tough, 

    i mean they always have been for me..

when i'm with somebody, i actually mean what i say.. right? and you should too.

               ** CALLING OUT MY RECENT EX LMAO**

   you didn't mean anything you told me, but lets start from the beginning shall we? 

we broke up for your MENTAL HEALTH, but we claimed it to be a break only.

            well that didn't last you 5 days now did it? 

                          you started dating somebody i was scared of in our relationship. i knew you liked her then, but reassure me you tried. 

   congrats, i hope you're happy you selfish, liar. 

                          you won't ever realize how much you hurt me, i thought you could be the one. 

i guess not everyone feels the same though.

i didn't date anybody for a year before you. why? because love sucks. it's all a cold lie.

i took a risk for you. a stupid risk.

how could i possibly think you wouldn't hurt me like everyone else has? 

                                              people like you make me lose all hope in people honestly. i hate your guts.

    and people get mad at me for hurting? i'm sorry i was actually in love?

      let me have my time. i'm not like others who can move on in days. which is another reason i don't like to date.

   it takes me forever to move on, and it sucks.

                                                                 i'm sorry for all the people who think you're a good person. 

                                                                                                   have a great life bitch

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