transphobic ass.

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yeah i'm trans. do many people know that? no. do the people who know respect it? most no. 

i've known i was trans since about 8th grade, but i didn't want to accept that.

i went around calling myself a lesbian and nothing more. 

my dad was so excited to have a daughter. 

i feared this would be too much of a change for my family and friends.. and me.

i finally realized i need to be myself and not care what others think.

sophomore year was when i started coming out to some friends. 

do they respect my pronouns and call me jayson? some do.. but not others.

i told only one family member - my parents just think im gay. but they're hoping its just a phase. 

they claim im too young to know anything so why even bother telling them how i truly feel?

they want it to be a phase so i dont get hurt, but i just wish they accepted me and let me be who i am. i get they're only trying to protect me but if they could even support me in secret i would be happy. 

i know not all the world will accept me, but as long as i accept myself it should be okay.

shoutout to the ones who do respect me, you guys are the best.

thank you for helping me through this journey. 

only 2 more years and ill be moved out. ill legally change my name and save up for surgery and t. 

sure getting mis gendered sucks. hearing my birth name sucks. using the girls bathroom. hating my body. wearing feminine clothes. it all sucks. but i hope one day i will be happy in my own body.

being trans isnt a choice, i wouldnt choose this. it's painful.

dont be an ass to somebody who has to go through the pain of this everyday.

just be a decent human being. 

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