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             where the new chapter begins


i always knew that the past came back with the vengeance and purpose to bring the emotions of it's time. the array of them that consisted of dejection, merriment, torment, and pure nostalgia. so when that boy's face stared back at mine, the past screamed with every ability to make me weak minded. to have my breath caught within my throat and to cause me to become absentminded.

especially when the past had hazel eyes that i feel in love with and the pretty face i adored. yet that was a week ago and as soon as i came in contact with the individual. however my mind was still caught up on the image of it all when i laid in my bed and zoned out from the voice of cora. "listen to me, bitch." she says from the other side of the room and that comes along with a pillow to hit my head.

"ow." i mumble when i throw the soft object back. however the action did snap me out of my thoughts.

"maybe if you listened to me talk to you, you wouldn't have the aftermath of my abuse." cora taunts and i only roll my eyes in response to her statement. i had no idea what she spoke of however i was now ready to listen when i sit myself up to look at her. "but like i was saying, can you finally catch me up on what happened at that party? because you kind of dipped when you saw someone." she states and i sigh softly from her question.

i hadn't spoke of the incident since the actual date of the event and perhaps that was a good thing due to my sanity needing to be in full use. "do i have to?"

"yes, you have to. it's been a week and i'm tired of the bullshit with the excuses. just tell me." cora was only unaware of the situation because of her lack paying attention to things. which meant at that moment she was not studying the way i so easily caught up with the past.

"i saw people who use to be very present in my life."

"okay like who?"

"vivian and madeline." from those last mention of names cora freezes up. she knows of my past friends who were very important to me and very much already had a grudge against them after they so easily lost touch with me. i had tried numerous times to convince her of it being my fault but she refuses to hear that side of the story.

"is that it? because ethan was telling me about that part but i could of swore there was-"

"i saw my ex, also." i interrupt the beginning of her ranting as she widens her eyes and forms an, 'o', shape with her mouth. i can tell because of the silence that there is now an uncomfortable feeling. my ex — being grayson and, kind of, ethan as this point — was off limits to talk about. cora especially knew nothing about the first boy i truly feel in love with. so her reaction was very understandable when i spoke of it.

and i could notice that cora was going to comment on this until there is faint knock. she at first stays frozen when i look between her and the door that signified a person on the other side. "are you going to get that or should-"

"no, i got it, one moment." she tells me frantically as she almost sprints to the piece of of wood. her hand jiggles the knob as she only partially opens the door so she is able to see who she would be faced with.

it only confuses me more when there is some secrecy when she whispers. due to these actions i let myself up and become curious on the other side. "cora is everything okay? who's-" my words drift off within the air and i can feel my heart begin to tighten in chest. the pumping that it always does becoming fastened.

i know there must be confusion written on my face and pure sadness painted in the irises of my eyes. "grayson, why are you here?" my question does not come out with intentions of annoyance nor anger, but actual interest in knowing why he stands in front of me.

"aurora, i, uh-"

"wait you guys know each other again?" cora's voice is the one to interrupt the words to fall from the boy's lips. i barely nod but cora is still able to understand what i mean. there seemed to be muddled features caught in her eyes as well.

"yeah, uhm," i have to look away from the boy in front me and regain my composure to speak up. "cora, this is the ex. the one that broke my heart, my first love. you know all that bullshit." i try to make light of the situation that played out but his vision locked on me had me filled with such emotions of anxiousness.

"fuck." cora states now and takes both hands to run fingers through her hair and i do not get why she does this. there seems to be stressed painted to her skin. "fuck." she repeats once more.

"how do you two know each other?" i ask now. i figured if i knew this concept of cora and grayson's familiarity with one another, it would make more sense.

"this is, well, kind of sort of, actually the guy i'm talking to." she informs me on the last part with the tone of her voice being high pitched and not easily comprehendible. yet that does not matter when everything within me begins to crack. the past bringing those state of emotions that were dejection. i only stood in shock when i breath. "aurora, i didn't know or else i would have never done something like this to you. i promise-"

"i know it's not your fault, cora. i just," i pause with my words and swallow the lump on my throat that was forming. everything felt strongly evocative. the times of three years ago being so oddly introduced to my life once again. especially when my eyes fell on the man i first fell in love with. "it's a lot to take in. i didn't expect this." cora nods and puts her hand on my arm.

"i know. i'm so sorry."

"i think i should just go, cora. we can just hang out another-"

"no, don't it's fine. i actually think it's best for me if i go get some air or something." i adjourn the statement from grayson when i say this. my vision going from cora to the boy. grayson being of the man who left me fully broken.

but the thing was, i had time to mend my pieces and, perhaps, the cracks and marks were still evident. yet it was still fixed together when i was no longer the girl who was to be played with. and due to that when i stared any longer at the, also, newfound man, i become filled with vexatious thoughts. my skin burning up and hands unnoticeably trembling.

"but while i'm gone, take some advice this time and don't sit and watch her heart burn."


welcome to the first chapter! i am so excited to be back and i can not wait to share the new plot and crazy twist of the sequel.

it's good to be back girlies!

finished: june 15th
word count: 1, 264 words

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