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where the girl begins the
fight with the past

i had only one place on my mind in a moment like this and, perhaps, it was because he was only my other true friend but i needed time away. to speak to others of the unhinged events that have come to play over the past week. "alright, alright, i'm coming!" he hollers on the other side of the door in which i knock on harshly.

it was mostly because of my frustrations but i decided not to blame it on that when i am faced with jaden's face. his eyes switch from shades of darkness to lightened colors. he smiles at me but i don't return the gesture when i push the man aside to get into his dorm room. "ethan could have been butt ass nude and you would have seen it all because you're rude and just barge in."

"nothing i haven't seen before." i say back and jaden chuckled when he shuts the door. i go to sit on his bed and cross my arms. i was mostly mad but part of me was drowning with unexpected sadness. i just couldn't get that boy off my mind.

the look on his face and the new appearance he portrayed. "now what's the matter with you, huh?" i scoff from his question knowing he doesn't even know the half of it. jaden sits beside me and i glance to him then back the floor that was scattered with different items.

"don't get me started on that." i tell the man and he shrugs his shoulder in response.

"well isn't that why you came here?"

"yeah, well because is everything is so wrong. i feel like everyone in the past has come to try to mentally kill me or something. like at the party and now today. this is so fucked up. i just want it to be me, cora, you, and cory but no of course not." i rant on and when i lay back down in frustration, jaden laughs. this causes him to follow my actions when my eyes stay on him.

"who is it now?"

"it's my ex, but you don't know him. it's not important either because i'm completely over him. i just feel like nothing can go my way. first with ethan and now this. i need a break." i admit and he loses the humor from it. his hand goes to my skin and brushes away the hair. his palm then on my cheek and he has his thumb caress the area softly. yet when he does i turn my head away and sit up.

i still knew of his intentions with me. that he admired me and wanted more but i couldn't when i looked across the room and saw the things of ethan dolan. "things got to get bad before they can get better, aurora." i sigh and nod when i can feel his gaze burning holes in me.

"i've learned that now, but it's still fucked up."

"and amen."

i dolefully smile at the jaden in the process of his words. i intended on changing the subject after i sigh softly until that seems not be the ideal direction when the door knob turns and opens to a smiling boy with a girl beside him. this girl beginning to laugh more as her locks of curled, orangey hair flow when she moves her body faintly. yet that all dwindles away when i am suddenly on my feet and consist of widen eyes. "ethan, i thought you were going out." jaden states swiftly and quite frantically. i have to look down and away from the two individuals when this process plays out.

"yeah, we did already but, uh, hey aurora." ethan now let's his voice form the syllables to my name. it chills me every time when it now is filled with the tones of dejection. that it is no longer contained with the laced emotions of contentment or infatuation but just pure sadness now. and perhaps, that was both of our faults but it still burned.

"hey guys." i say and attempt to be cheery but i know they don't buy it when the atmosphere is now an awkward vibe that began to suffocate the room. "i was just leaving, so you don't have to worry." i state when i glance back to jaden who stares down at me with sympathy.

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