Chapter 12: Defending the Mansion

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After I found Jack, we gathered everyone around to make up our plan to defend this place.

Y: Mr Takagi, you said they would be attacking on the walls weak points. Where are those points exactly?

Mr Takai: There's a total of two areas they'll be attacking from, one on the front gate and another on the side gate. They're the weak points, unless they have C4 like their plans do. They'll attack from the side gate and down the line of where the front gate is.

Y: Then get everyone off the wall, me and Kat will be up too providing sniper fire for the ones in the front. Saeko will be the sniper covering the side gate. Jack you take our soldiers and defend the front wall. Everyone who will be sniping, don't fire till they breach the wall or the gate. For those that will be up close and personal keep your eyes open, watch your corners and only pick off the footsoldiers. Heavy ordnance team, your job will be to strictly destroy any and all heavily armored vehicles and stay in cover. Everyone understand?!

Soldiers: SIR YES SIR!

Y: Good! Move it! Get into positions!

With that they ran off to get into their position. Me, Kat, and Saeko climbed up the wall of the Mansion to get on the roof.

Kat: Just like old times, scaling the side of buildings to get into position. Right Y/N?

Y/N: Yeah, I missed those days. Alright Kat, you take the enemies who slip through our left side of the breach. I'll deal with any Machine Gunners, ones on the right side, and any snipers. Saeko, if you see a scope flare shout sniper and get down low before you get shot. You two ready?

Kat&Saeko: Yes!/Always!

I nodded and readied myself and used the bipod on my rifle.


It's now been half an hour, all has been quite so far. I scope out the buildings near the road where the wall is and see unknown soldiers getting set up.

Y: Shit!

I grab my radio and radio in Jack.

Y: Jack! Get your men back, now! They're placing MG nests in the building across the road! Do you read me?!

All that came through was static, I placed the radio down.

Y: Fuck, radio is jammed on their end or something. These guys are good, we need to be careful.

I scope the buildings one more time and see two soldiers setting up on the same roof where the mg nest is being set up.

Y: Kat, building across the street from where they are supposed to breech. Rooftop. Two snipers are setting up. We need to take them down before they see us.

Kat: Yeah, I see them. I'll take the left, you take the right.

Y: On my mark... 3...

I aimed my scope dead on my target.

Y: 2...

I readied my trigger finger and keep my scope on him.

Y: 1!

We both pulled the trigger and took them both down.

Y: Nicely done Kat... Heads up. Vehicles moving down the street to the right if the building.

Kat: I see them.

Saeko: I've got lots of movement on this side footsoldiers running, heavy vehicles moving, people moving across the rooftops, mg nests are being made, they are definately ready for war.

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