The Thing Out There

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I'd barely finished writing the line about Damian's shrug after meeting that weird guy when a I heard a rustling noise. I glanced around the cabin but saw nothing. I climbed out of bed. Damian rested in the top bunk, after weaseling it away from me. I narrowed my eyes in order to focus my x-ray vision. I soon spotted a figure near the door. I sighed. "Nobody."

Maya turned off her cloaking device. She lowered her suit's mask to reveal the face of a young teen. She motioned to the sleeping Damian. "He's really cute when he's asleep. Not so much when he's awake." Maya (aka Nobody) had run into Damian after he had killed her father during his Year of Blood training. She wanted revenge but eventually he won her over. Some time later, Damian asked her to spy on me and then abduct me in order to run various tests. After this, Batman and my father forced us into a boot camp where we had to avoid Nobody and learn to work together.

"So what are you doing here?"

"Can't a girl enjoy summer break with her friends?"

I suddenly started laughing. Not because she said something funny, but because something was licking my back. "Can you tell Goliath to stop licking my back?"

"He's outside."


Suddenly the licking thing grabbed my leg and yanked me out of the cabin. I crashed through branches and dirt piles and bounced off rocks until I finally saw some...creature in the woods. It looked like a dark version of Pac-Man, but with tentacles and glowing purple-black eyes. I screamed as it pulled me closer. It looked like the end until...

Swish! Clang!

Nobody arrived out of nowhere. Her blade cut through the beast's tentacle. It roared in pain as she helped me up.

"What on Earth is that thing?" she asked.

The creature turned its attention but on us, but didn't get far. A red blur smashed into the creature. The beast reeled as a red bat-dragon landed next to us with a loud thump!

"Goliath," said Nobody. "You sure took your time." The bat-dragon roared an apology.

The creature shot another tentacle at us, but a quick slash and flash of light caused the monster's tentacle to detach from the rest of it. Damian, now dressed as Robin, landed next to us.

Image taken from the Wikipedia article "Damian Wayne" https://en

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Image taken from the Wikipedia article "Damian Wayne"

"Why is it I always find myself saving your butt?" Robin said.

Upon seeing it would have to deal with four heroes, the creature retreated into the woods.

"We should regroup," said Nobody.

With a battle cry scream, Robin and I charged into the woods.

Nobody sighed. "Boys."

Camp Justiceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें