Creepy Pasta (Camp Nightmare Corporal Creepy)

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I sat upright and checked my surroundings. I was in my cabin. How did I get back to camp? I'd been on a spaceship.


"Not in the mood, Damian."

Long, thin fingers began to reach over the edge of the bed. "Jon."

I jumped out of bed and faced the top bunk. "I said—" No one was there.


I slowly turned towards the sound. In the corner, hunched over, was a strange figure. I swallowed hard. "Damian?"

Suddenly, faster than I could see (which should be impossible), the...thing was in my face...staring at me. It's rake-like fingers pressing against my face. It's left eye glowed a diseased green. "Don't eat." The thing pointed towards the door. "Danger, Jon Kent. Communicator."

The door opened. Light flooded the room and with it the memories. I remembered how Grandpa Jor-El showed up wanting me to go with him. My parents didn't like the idea, but I managed to talk them into it—sort of. Dad still had some "issues" with his father. Mom ended up coming with me.

"It'll only be for the summer," Mom said to Dad.

The light also banished the hologram of the camp cabin. "Come, Grandson," said Jor-El, his left eye glowing slightly from the kryptonite embedded in his brain. "Dinner. It's pasta."

Words: 222

Entry for the _creepy_pasta Camp Nightmare "Corporal Creepy" prompt.

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