Thirteen: Ivory

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A figure moved into the room, sitting down across from me.

I was at the long kitchen table, fiddling with my phone, after several hours of lengthy shopping. Azra and I ended up getting a ton of things, Jimin being so generous to the both of us.

The figure shifted and I looked up, seeing that it was Suga.

"Oh hi," I said, trying to keep the disappointment out of my voice. I had hoped it was Jungkook, and I already hated myself for becoming too attached. I always kept my distance, staying cautious around people, securing my defense. Being picky with who I opened up to, it was weird for me to already feel so comfortable around a guy who I had just met, in real life, a week ago.

Suga studied me with observant eyes, breaking my train of thought. It was kind of scary how similar he was to Azra, keeping eye contact and staying still while talking, yet underneath there was a layer of anxiety that felt so familiar.

"It's rude to stare," I said quietly, interrupting his train of thought. 

"I wanted to ask you something," he said finally.

"Okay, shoot," I replied, suddenly curious.

"Azra. Tell me about her."

I blinked. "You want me to tell you about Azra?"


I shook my head and raised one brow slightly. "I don't think that's a good idea."

"Please? Just trivial stuff if you want. I won't tell her it was you who told me. I'm just trying to understand what goes on in her head."

I sighed, figuring he wasn't going to give up, and took a breath.

"Ok so basically, Azra's a middle child. Older sister. Younger brother. Divorced parents. She likes cats and the color blue. She degrades herself constantly. She's a hopeless romantic, but would sooner hang herself than admit it. She can be selfish and petty, but also so ridiculously selfless. She tends to let things bottle up inside, and when she goes off, no one is safe. Her humor is very dry, sometimes dark. She usually doesn't mean it. It's really hard to know what she's thinking unless she tells you. Luckily I'm one of few that has earned her trust. It takes skill."

"I've noticed," he grumbled. "So. . . how would I go about impressing her?"

I watched as he awkwardly fidgeted with his hands, falling out of his stone-like stance. I almost burst out laughing. Straight to the point. Suga didn't waste time, and there was no denying that they would be good for each other in that way.

"Don't give up. Azra pushes everyone away, no matter who they are, but if you keep trying, she'll let you in eventually. Try having a nice, intelligent conversation. That, or get into an argument and showcase your intellect. Also. Confrontation. Don't. Just don't."

"Great," he said. Then smiled slyly. "And because I know you're dying to know, Jungkook's favorite color changes like every day but black, white, red, and recently yellow are his favorites."

It took every ounce of my being to keep my face the same shade.

"I'm dying to know?" I asked him, playing innocent. Suga chuckled lightly to himself. "I'm dying to know some random guy's favorite color?"

"He's no longer 'some random guy' and yes, you are."

"What else am I dying to know then?" I inquired, keeping up the act.

"You want to know how he's feeling. About everything."

"And what would that be?"

"Couldn't tell you if I wanted to. I don't get involved. Min Yoongi is a loner."

"It doesn't sound like you want to be a loner," I noted, putting him on the spot. "Or that you don't get involved."

"Everyone comes to me with their struggles, even though I'm not the one who'd worry or stress over them. I think everyone in the house knows I don't think too hard on what they tell me, and that I won't ever bring it up again."

"So you do know things."

"And so do you," Suga said with a smirk. "How about we partake in a trade of information?"

"Gotcha." I muttered to myself. I'd been hoping he'd say something like that.

"What was that?" he asked, leaning forward.

I looked up and met his stare. "I said deal."

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