Twenty Three: Ivory

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 "I can't tell if she hates me or not," Yoongi complained to me Saturday morning after breakfast, sitting with his knees pulled to his chest, his back against the wall.

"You'd be able to tell if she hated you, trust me."

"Okay, well I can't tell if she likes me or not," he corrected.

"Just ask her."

"Ew no."

"She's a straightforward person."

"So am I."

"Then what's the problem?"

He rubbed his eyes, bringing my attention to the dark circles beneath them. It seemed he'd been pulling a lot of all-nighters."I don't know," he admitted finally.

"I'm not your therapist. Tell me about Jungkook or get out."

"And people say I'm harsh," he scoffed. "Fine, Jungkook hates vegetables and likes Iron Man and drawing." He practically spat the words.

"You're really struggling, aren't you?" I sighed.

"Yes," he groaned. I watched as his hand drifted to his shoulder. "I'm not telling you anything else about Jungkook until you help me."

"You don't need my help."

He went silent, then said, "You're right." He smirked slightly. "That's why you're going to take my offer. You need me more than I need you."

I stiffened. "I don't need you."

"And I don't need you either."

Looking at him, there wasn't really a doubt in my mind that Azra liked him. He was sarcastic and determined and competent. Azra didn't need him, and he didn't need her. That was why they would last.

Azra always complained about couples who were too dependant on each other. "A boyfriend should be like a prosthetic finger. He helps you out, but you don't need him," she'd said, to which I'd responded with, "I get it, you're a biomedical engineer, but leave work out of your damn metaphors!"

Yoongi stood. "I'll figure it out," he muttered, more to himself than me.

"Maybe you should get her some flowers," I suggested lamely, thinking of cliche couples.

He looked at me, eyes sparkling, eyebrows raised slightly. "I really don't think that's a good idea."

A/N: Hope you guys have enjoyed everything so far! We'd really appreciate any feedback or comments of any kind, and don't forget we take suggestions for shorts! 

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