Twenty Nine: Ivory

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I started for the bedroom once we got inside, but Jungkook grabbed my hand, tugging me downstairs.

"What are you doing?" I asked, attempting to pull us the other way.

"You aren't seriously wanting to call it a night are you?"

"Well no but-"

"No buts!" Jungkook cut me off and in a single swoop threw me across his shoulder.

"Jungkook I swear!!"

"Shh. People are trying to sleep." He carried me the rest of the way downstairs and out the front door before setting me down.

"What the hell?"

"I want to show you something."

He led me around to the side of the house where he pulled back overgrown vines and plants to reveal a trap door.

"I found it when we first got here, but didn't want to go in there alone."

"You're scared?" I stifled a laugh. "First the roller coaster and now this."

"You'd be too after all the stories and rumors we heard about this house after buying. And I wanted to keep it secret." He pulled on the doors handle, but a lock and chain kept it firmly shut. "Pass me that," he said, pointing to a large rock lining a nearby flower bed. I did, watching him as he slammed it down on the lock several times, breaking the chain. He looked to me before lifting it open, cringing as the door creaked from old age and weathering.

"Ladies first," Jungkook snickered, peering down into the dark hole and the ladder. I rolled my eyes, jumping down. The floor and walls as far as I could tell were some type of smooth stone, though I couldnt see much of anything in the dark. It was oddly cold and unsettling, the moonlight from above barely casting a glow down. I heard Jungkook jump down beside me.

"You didn't bring a flashlight did you?" I asked.

"No, but I have my phone on me," he replied, fishing it out and turning the screen on. It wasn't much easier to see, but I could start to make out the room. A bookshelf stood to my right, cutting us off from the rest of the room. I walked around it just to see more shelves filled with the most bizarre objects and collectibles.

"What is this place?" I asked, my curiosity taking over any fear I had upon entering.

"No idea. Legend has it a wealthy couple lived here before, but moved out after their children were brutally murdered inside. Apparently it was the husbands half-brother, vengeful after receiving almost none of the familys inheritance, but they never could find him. Some say his body washed up on the coast a few miles down. Others argue that it was a fake, and the brother still lives on the property, under the house."

"You're full of shit."

"You're terrified."

"You wish. This is just an old basement that hasn't been used in decades."

"Suit yourself."

We moved deeper into the room, stopping to read the covers of dusty books and examine every knick-knack on the shelves.

"Hey, look at this-" I started, turning to show off a fossilized shell, but Jungkook was no longer beside me. Whered you go? I said through the dark. No response. I fumbled around, lost without the light of Jungkook's cellphone, feeling around for the way back to the entrance. "Jesus," I muttered to myself after dragging my hand accidentally through a thick spider web. "Jungkook you're not funny. Well, I take it back maybe a little funny. But I'm not going to believe those stupid stories-"

A crash a few feet away from me interrupted mid-sentence, and I saw a small light fall to the ground. The phone. I walked toward it hesitantly, and picked it up. I heard a stumble, the shuffle of footsteps, and a muffled grunt. My heart stopped, and I froze where I stood, feet glued to the floor. I turned to run, but a hand clapped over my mouth, interrupting me mid scream, pulling me close.

"Gotcha," Jungkook breathed into my ear, my body pressed against his.

I broke free and turned around to punch his shoulder, but he dodged my hand easily, whipping around me to pin my shoulders against a wall I didn't realize was there. "Guess a black belt in taekwondo has it's perks," I said, still stunned.

"I can't believe you fell for it," he mused, putting one hand on the wall next to me, and letting the other fall to his side. I rolled my eyes.

"I did not."

"You totally did," he said smoothly, standing so close to me now that I felt his hair brush against my forehead, the subtle smell of after shave filling the space around me. I tensed in the pitch black darkness, thankful he couldn't see my burning cheeks or nervous composure, but also terrified that I couldn't read his expressions either.

"Jungkook-" I started, the space between us getting too small.

"Shh be quiet," he teased, "You wouldn't want that psycho serial killer to hear us." Even though I couldnt see a thing, I knew he wore that same smug grin that irritated me just as much as it turned me on.

"You know-"

He closed the gap between us, pressing his soft lips against my own, his left hand adjusting to rest on my waist. I tensed again at his touch before relaxing slightly, my arms automatically moving to rest behind his neck. My fingers moved without me telling them to, running through his impossibly soft hair as I kissed him back. Our lips parted in between breaths, and I couldn't help but laugh. He shook his head to himself, and once again I didn't have to see his face to know that he was smiling.

Without warning, he scooped me up into his arms, my legs wrapping around his waist. He pecked my lips again, earning a smile.

"See," he chuckled. Silence is key.

I took in a deep breath, jokingly relieved it was him, and that there wasn't some maniac psycho serial killer down here with us.

"You're an actor too?" I said finally, letting my heart beat return to its normal rate. Jungkook laughed, shaking his head.

"On a scale of one to ten, how scared were you just now?"

"Seven. But that doesnt begin to cover everything I was feeling just now," I replied to which he raised a brow. I wasn't going to lie to him, what I felt was definitely something. 'On a scale of one to ten, how much did you enjoy seeing me scared like that?"

"Eleven. As for how much I enjoyed seeing you taken by surprise. . . a solid 25. We should do that more often."

I rolled my eyes, breath still shaky, before hopping down to the ground. "What is this place actually?"

"A basement," he mused.

"I hate you."

"No you don't. I wouldnt call what just happened very hateful."

"You're right," I sighed. I definitely don't hate you. Although sometimes I wish I did."

"Let's head back inside, I think we both need some time to think. And sleep."

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