Twenty Eight: Azra

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We headed to the balcony, a huge platform that stuck out of the side of the house in the most elegant way possible. It was furnished with plush couches and soft throw blankets, and small lights were strung through the railing, twinkling against the night sky. The air was chilly, so Jungkook flipped a switch and a fire roared to life behind a glass screen, instantly providing my skin with the warmth it craved.

Ivory plopped down on a black leather couch, and Jungkook sat to the right of her. I sat on a similar couch to the right of theirs, Yoongi followed suit, settling down to my left.

I had to admit, the view was beautiful. And it was cold, not like a brrr I'm going to die cold, but more like a I feel alive cold.

"Who's first?" prompted Jungkook.

"I'll go," Yoongi replied. "Jungkook, truth or dare?"

"Truth, just because we can't get into the more interesting stuff just yet." He winked and Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"What's your favorite food?"

"I love pizza and bread and pork soup rice and sashimi. I honestly can't pick one over the rest of them." He frowned. "You should already know that."

"I do," replied Yoongi, not bothering to explain. Then I saw Ivory look at Yoongi for a moment, and he mouthed, "Told you."

I rolled my eyes. It only made sense that if Yoongi asked Ivory for help, she would insist on some sort of payment, and it was like Yoongi to prove his information true.

"I'll go next," offered Jungkook. "Okay... Ivory, truth or dare?"


"Fine then. Get slapped in the face by the person of your choice."

"I pick Azra. She's weak."

I hauled myself off the coach and stepped toward Ivory. "You better be thanking god I'm weak." There was a smack! as my hand connected with her cheek.

"It didn't even hurt," Ivory laughed.

"You're welcome." I walked back to my couch and sat down.

"It's my turn right?" Ivory asked.

"Yeah," Jungkook responded.

"Okay, Yoongi, truth or dare?"


"I dare you to dance with no music for a minute."

Yoongi groaned and peeled himself off the couch. He stood in front of us, waving his arms in his trademark flower dance, a pained smile on his face. The second Jungkook called time, he collapsed back on the couch. It was my turn now. I learned forward, elbows on knees, gazing out at the night sky beyond the balcony railing. "Jungkook. Truth or dare."

"Oh uhhh dare I guess."

"I dare you to try to sell a pencil to Jhope."

"That's so random."

"I'm telling you, her mind is impossible to understand," Yoongi piped from my left.

"Are you going to do it or not?"

Jungkook stood. "Don't doubt me." He disappeared into the house, coming back with a pencil. Then he tilted his head back, ready to call to Jhope, but Yoongi put up his hand, stopping him before he could start.

"Allow me," he said, and before Jungkook could argue, he released a loud "JHOOOOPPPPEEEEEE!"

A few moments passed and Jhope entered the balcony, confusion on his face.

"You called?"

Yoongi pointed at Jungkook. "He has something he wants to say."

Jungkook stepped forward. "You know how you're always in desperate need of a writing utensil?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Jhope responded.

"Don't be crazy. You have all those great ideas buzzing around in your mind, you must want to write them down." He tapped the pencil against Jhope's head.

"If I could have anyone's brain other than my own, I'd choose yours," Yoongi put in. Then he dropped his voice and whispered, "Because it's never been used."

"I don't understand what's going on," Jhope cried.

"My dear friend, what I am selling you is a means to an end." He put his hand on Jhope's shoulder, steering him to the balcony railing. "I am giving you a way to make the thoughts in your mind come alive. I am giving you the path to make dreams a reality."

"Jungkook, are you high?"

"What? No!" Jungkook sputtered. "Just take the damn pencil!"

"Fine!" Jhope snatched the pencil then dropped it over the railing.

"Ow!" Shouted a voice from below.

"Ah shit, it's Namjoon! He's going to skin me alive!" Jhope scurried away, muttering under his breath the whole way.

Jungkook flopped onto the couch, turning to me. "Was my performance to your liking?"

"More entertaining than slapping Ivory for sure," I replied. "Yoongi, it's your turn again."

"Alright. Jungkook: truth or dare?"


"Okay, I dare you to tell Jimin he's short, but you have to say it three times creatively."

"Creative how?"

Yoongi's lips curled into a smile. "Surprise me."

Jungkook just shook his head, then yelled Jimin's name. A moment later Jimin stood in front of us.

"What do you want?"

"I just wanted to tell you you're smaller than a nanosized ant. You can't even say you're vertically challenged, because you have no vertical."

Jimin twitched with anger. "Well I'm glad you had the decency to say that all to my face."

"Don't be absurd. You're too short for me to say anything to your face."

That was the last straw. Jimin lept at Jungkook, pulling his hood over his face and putting him in a headlock.

Yoongi snickered beside me. It seemed that we both found joy making people dance to our beat.

Jungkook finally pulled Jimin off him. They were both breathing hard, but grinning nonetheless.

Ivory got up and stretched. "Well it's late. I think I'm going to call it a night."

"Me too," said Jungkook, winking at me. I watched as he jogged to catch up with her, wrapping an arm around her waist. Ivory jumped slightly, no doubt breaking into a blush, and he leaned forward to whisper something in her ear. I could definitely see her red cheeks from here. Then, as if all was well and normal, they walked down the stairs, back to the warmth of the house. 

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry if this chapter isn't what you were expecting; I know I made it out to seem like it was going to be super spicy or something, but I was just talking about the humor LOL. Anyway, comment below what you want to see happen and my co-author and I will try our very best to include it, depending on if it fits with our story map of course. Anyway, thanks for reading and I hope you found this chapter as funny to read as I did to write! 

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