Nineteen: Ivory

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I opened my eyes lazily, checking the clock on the bedside table.

"Seven-thirty four," I mumbled to myself, glad to be back on my usual sleep schedule. I yawned, sitting up and rubbing my eyes. Grabbing my glasses, I put them on and stood from the bed, realizing what I had planned for today. It was Thursday. Six Flags.


I got changed into a pair of slightly torn skinny jeans, threw on a red oversized sweater, then followed the smell of food downstairs.

"You're up early," Jin said, flipping a pancake.

"Do you always cook for them?" I asked, suddenly curious.

"Well they aren't going to themselves."

"Guess not."

At that moment, Alana and a sluggish Jimin walked downstairs.

"Morning Jin," she said with a sweet smile, and Jimin murmured something unintelligible.

"Morning guys," Jin answered back.

"What are you dressed for, Ivory?" Alana asked, acknowledging my presence.

"Six Flags, remember?"

"Ah right. You and Jungkook."

"What'd I miss?" Jin called, eavesdropping. He turned the stove off and came to join in. "You and Jungkook?"

"Yea..." I replied, embarrassed. "After you, V, and JHope left, we played a few rounds of truth or dare, and he dared me to go out with him."

"Jeon Jungkook has always been a flirt, but that's new. He's never actually done anything like that. Must be really interested." Jin laughed.

"Interested? No way. It's not like that is it?"

"It totally is. I'll tell you all about it when you get back," Yoongi said, entering the room. He flashed me a smile and mouthed the word 'red' while pointing to my sweater. I had forgotten about our little side exchange.

"Perfect," I sighed in exasperation.

"Just go have fun," Alana reassured. "You should probably go get him up if you're planning on getting there when it opens, though."


"Ay, rise and shine," I said flatly once in Jungkook's room. After no response, I proceeded to yank the pillow out from under his head. Still asleep. "You aren't dead are you?" I yelled in his ear.

"Wha-" he yawned, sitting up. "Oh, hi there."

I shook my head. "You're a wuss if you don't get dressed now."

At that he practically leaped from the bed and into his closet. After a few minutes of fumbling he met me downstairs, wearing black jeans, a graphic tee, and dark jacket.

"We're off," he called to the others, and I followed him outside to the car. The trip was fairly lengthy, being over an hour out from the theme park. We listened to music mostly, and our conversations consisted only of small talk. Once we arrived, I could barely contain my excitement.

"You look happy," Jungkook noted.

"It's been too long. I guess roller coasters don't exactly fit into a college-student's limited budget."

We walked through the gates, grabbing a map and scanning our tickets. "Where to first?" I questioned.

He paused for a moment, thinking it over. "Carousel."

"You're joking, right?"

"Not at all."

And so, I chose a magnificent black stallion bearing its teeth and dressed in white and gold. Jungkook hopped onto a small pink pony beside mine, making me laugh.

"You know you're an idiot, right?" I mused, enjoying the sight too much.

"You're right. This is too slow." Jungkook got off his horse, and pulled me down from mine.

"The ride is still going!" I protested, but he grabbed my hand, sending a small jolt of electricity through me, and we ran around the carousel, jumping off at the entrance. I saw an employee shoot us a look of disgust, but I couldn't keep from laughing as we ran away from the ride. Once out of sight, Jungkook let go of my hand.

"Your turn to choose," He said, catching his breath.

We went on to ride nearly all the coasters in the park, each one leaving us craving something more exciting. Finally, we came to the one we saved for last, as it was supposed to redefine the thrill of a roller coaster, and scare riders to death. I doubted such nonsense, but was eager to try it nonetheless. Jungkook and I weaved through the line, waiting for over an hour, and at last boarded the ride.

"You scared?" he asked, tightening the lap bars.

"Not at all. You?"

He shook his head. "Here goes nothing."

The track led us in a small loop before we were yanked at a 45 degree angle, making the long and anticipated journey up the biggest hill in the ride.

"What about now?" he asked, nodding at the ground which now seemed so far away.

"Nothing," I laughed.

It felt like minutes ticked on, as we climbed the hill. I might have lied a little when I said I wasn't scared. The track went higher and higher, and I felt my breath hitch as a realized how close we were to the top.

"Ok I lied," I confessed quickly, looking to him, the sound of the mechanic track below us echoing my racing heart. "But there's no thrill if you aren't a little scared."

Jungkook's eyes met mine when I said this, and I felt the urge to break the stare, but forced myself to look back at him. His brown hair fluttered in the bitter wind, warm eyes looking at me intently, as if making up his mind about something. Then it happened. The instant his lips touched mine I felt a shudder of warmth run through me, and before I realized it, I was kissing him back. Much to my disappoint, several screams broke the moment, and I turned to look in front of me just in time to see our car going over the edge of the hill, crashing down with full force. I raised my hands instinctively, and felt my face turn red as I smiled wider than I had in a long time, wind whipping my hair in all directions. I shouted against the rush of the ride, my voice being carried off in the sky.

It was a blur from there. 

A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Comment below what you think is going to happen next!

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