Beads and Moccasins

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I hate my skin

I am not good enough to be


I am not good enough to be


I am lost

In the middle

I shed my culture

Against my will

My language lost

Forced to kill

They took my land

My home

My children

I have walked a billion miles

I have cried a trail of tears

Have been confined 

In my own head


I walk the colored halls

Marked by my own skin

I am nothing

But have always existed

So now I unbraid my hair

Kick away my moccasins

Rip away my beaded gown

I am the between

Stuck in a color line

Forgotten, alone,stereotyped

Judged before we met

Seen by just my skin

Can you see with your heart?

See me from with in?

I am the victim everyone forgot

Scorned in paintings or school mascots

Raped, cheated reformed

Can you hear the warriors drums?

Can you hear my people's screams?

Can you taste their scattered blood?

I can.

So now I paint my face for war

Now I stand tall again

Ready to face your hate filled glares

Seeking the power of my ancestors to meet your stares

Now I slip on a cloak of pride

To shield me from whispered spite

And if you show me kindness

I am by your side

And if you show me kindness

I will never fight

I now wear beads and moccasins

Not ashamed

I wear pride.

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