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Three big breaths

counting down

one last step

you know their coming,

all those thought you've been running from.

And you are crying


It feels so odd

you're up so high

You feel like jumping

and you're so afraid

so afraid

but you made a choice today

Two more breaths

counting down

so close to one

you come undone

body shaking

soul is quaking.

and you're on the run

you remember what they said

because you love them

even in the times when you couldn't stand yourself

you remember the day

you realized you are ugly

and you Will never be the person you built inside your mind

you remember the pain

you felt so sorry

but the blood always eased a troubled mind.

Do you remember all those pills?

ever hour of everyday

you wouldn't take

you couldn't take

because they made it real

and the hospital bills

The hospital bills

you had to pay for that week you stayed

to protect you from yourself

But you've made your choice

One last breath

you whisper one

and step back 

from the edge

you've decided to live.

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