Ïnnöcënt Ãngël

66 12 8

3 hours ahead of me
I get it, say what's on your mind
But couldn't have waited for the day to be over for me?
Couldn't be so kind?

You're nothing like that bitch
You'd never be a snitch
She gossiped about us
I'd put her in a fucking ditch
If only it wasn't frowned upon in all 50 states
You know she and I never had dates?
There is nothing to debate
She might give us hate
But in the end she's the one that's the cheapskate

You have no right coming at me
Judging me
Harassing me
Fuck you
I know I did shit wrong
Where the fuck were you? Fucking Taiwan?
Stop acting like a fucking angle
You're not, you're not
You're not able
You think I'll want you back after this? hm wouldn't even give you anal
Sure I didn't stay faithful
What was I supposed to do? Wait for you?
You were gone so I moved on
I would expect you to do the same
If the time came
But I'd never do that to you
I'd find away to come back
Even if I risked everything or Japan attacked
Or we were hijacked
Battle hand and hand contact
Or if I was tracked
And my dad found who I attract
It wouldn't protract
It wasn't like this was a fucking contract
I could have got out at any time and I did, I saw right through your special act

And people say you're like Scarlett?
Well I'd never fucking touch you again ha we could bet
You say you loved me and made me love you
Only for you to dissapear the day the after my birthday, don't worry tho... It was a break through
You brought me closer to the love of my life so I thank you...
You don't have a clue
But now all my hearts are for her
they're painted blue...
I never knew you'd never grew...
You're the same and it's a draining game

Innocent innocent
You never were
Never are
You must be a magician
It's no competition
She's far better than you, you ate what you were dishen
You were on a mission
Wishin to be my addiction
No no
This isn't addition
She didn't even have to audition
She got the part
I'm sorry I broke your heart?
You thought we would never depart
But our love wasn't art
It wasn't forever
You thought you were clever
Never, Never
We definitely severed
I'll never downgrade to you whatsoever

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