
42 8 0

This is taking longer than I thought
You must be thinking a lot...
This question has completely taken over my night
And my sight
My mind has been left behind
It's been redesigned
Have I truly been this blind?

I knew I was oblivious
But this is delirious
If you thought this way wouldn't you tell me?
I mean, this is serious...
Maybe you never thought too much abt it
But now I brought it up
You've taken it in deep
Deeper than I anticipated you would
Or could
It's ok... Take your time... I know the outcome will be better than the wait...

But as you think my eyes are slowly rolling back in my head
And I'm continuously dreaming
each time my dream being interrupted
By something that I probably misinterpreted

I will probably feel like an idiot once you've responded
I didn't mean to think of this I probably bombarded
Hopefully if the answer is no you'll just disregarded
I'm scared we'll get departed
Even tho how much we've bonded
We've truly corresponded 

What is taking so long?
Is your mind in Knots?
Severed in dots and black spots
I love you a hella fuck lots
So I'll twiddle my thumbs in waiting for your response...

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