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baby, listen close
read the words I've put to paper
watch and observe
for this will not be absurd
this is not a dream
as surreal as it may seem
I have chosen you my dear
above all else, you've known this all a Long
I've said it time and time again can't you hear?
hear me tell you how so beautiful to me, you are
we'll live in that jar
Always and forever? Right?

mistakes, Mistakes
All the mistakes I've made I could never repay
no matter how much you say..
"it's okay"
I regret everyday
I could never take back that night
I can't just forget
Even if I'm higher than a kite
now it's almost midnight and once again you've found away into my brain
this isn't a game, it might sound lame
but again
you've taken over my thoughts
I can't get caught
daydreaming about you
I know, me? daydream but since I met you...
I can't seem to stop
you're like my personal raindrop
the smell after a good rainstorm
a breath of fresh air you are

sure it's clichè
I don't care I'll put you on display
this day, in the middle of May
I ask, please don't go away
you don't have to pay, Okay?
All I ask is for you to stay
why do skies have to be grey?
I get you have an essay
you mustn't disobey
but wouldn't it be nice to spend the day?
I would buy you flowers, a bouquet?
if only we weren't miles away...
I almost gave up in my life
with white walls painted blue
till your love
touches me through you
Now we will face
the obstacles of life together
I really want us to have a future
Maybe we'll last forever?

When I was alone
I couldn't stand on my own
I've always feared the unknown
Until you came
And made me stuck like stone

I don't know how you don't see youself as I do
You've shed your insecurities
and revealed yourself to me
so I can see each imperfection
get to know you inside and out
for the love I have for you is raw
The stars will align and draw
Draw us together, with no flaw
They will all be in awe
But all in all
I will love you more everyday
I will love you baby
In a different ways
I'll close my eyes next to you every night
and wake up in the morning
with your adorable face in sight
All this and more... Because
I love you

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