God Bless

38 8 2

Under the table
I wasn't able
To stand on my own with you hitting me
Again and again
You blame it on how I bruise so fucking easily
Ya dad, I'm not a pussy
I can deal with a fucking slap
But when you lock your fist up
And hit me over and over
At least could you go slower?
Let me catch my breath or find some closure
You're just a smoker and a stoner

You try to act innocent when people are around you
But you're just a loner
you give off this oder like an oger
Ya and I bet you're still hungover
You're the owner of the game poker
Straight face, bluffing. You're a poser
You delt your cards to soon and now you're a folder
you're just a joker

All my life looking over my shoulder
On this trip that's like this fucking roller coaster
And you're the motor of the coaster
My path was always blocked by your boulder
Always pushing me down
Lower and lower
mom is a fucking mind blower
How she stayed with you for so long

Fuck, your heart must have been
And brought back to you hollowed
You wollowed and sorrowed
Wishing I woulda followed
My eyes narrowed
And I became stronger

I won't ever have a night of fear again
4am and you're pulling me awake by the ends of my feet
"Clean the kitchen" then he beat
Beat me until I bled
Praying every night before bed
"Please God don't let him wake me again"
I was so tired
But I was required
I cleaned the dishes
But it didn't stop him from hitting me

What did I do to deserve this?
This ain't no fucking bliss
I wish I could speak out and diss
But I'm scared of what would happen
your belt held as the champion
Bruises bruises
And somehow I'm still at the end of my bed praying and pleading
I lock my fingers tight
And squeeze my eyes shut
"Please God, I'm through.
I just wanna be with you.
He will never stop.
And the pain is too much right now.
Hear my vow.
I'll do everything right as long as you take my life.
Take me in the clouds
Away from the crowds
Do all that allows"
I waited for hours and hours

You never showed tho huh
I asked you for a sign
You were the only voice of hope
I had
I was just a fucking kid
with a fucked up dad
If you're there
then you really watched me?
Cry myself to sleep every night then?
Waiting for the beatings to began
So I could finish my dinner
Was I a sinner?
Thats why you were never there?
I apologized for everything
Guess I didn't do it right
Maybe I deserved to be punished
But hold tight
My story isn't over quite

I got thru this mess
Without you
I confess
I could have used your help
I was stressed
But nonetheless I guess
What possesses me is success
I am no longer pieces of chess
I dress to impress
And the problems I address
Could bring me distress
But not depress
Never again

I wish they'd just make an arrest
I'd be refreshed
I'd protest
Talk about how he invest
In infestation and insest
Instead he progressed
But I'll see you in hell dad
God fucking Bless✌

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