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Everyone tells me I need to smile
Fake a smile and it will get better
But sometimes people need to cry
In order to smile again...

Thank you for being my shoulder
The boulder that held onto me
That weighed me down
To see the beauty in the ocean
The waves poured and we watched
From down below
I didn't need to gasp for air
Because you became my air

Life isn't fair
And you made me realize
No matter how close a girl and guy get
They don't have to fall in love
I fell for you in different ways
You became my best friend 
My new favorite trend

You may not see how amazing you are
But our bond is like no other
It's all in different ways
I hope we stick together within the days
Thru thick and thin
You're my second skin
You're stuck with me
And I'm stuck with you

The purple hearts are all for you
I realized I don't do enough for you
But you do all for me
It's not fair
But you don't care
I couldn't dare
I couldn't amount to everything you do
But I hope that this covers most
Maybe it's not better than a post
But I'll get there
Patience is all I ask

But before I go
I need you to know
That with me...
You are not under surveillance
Your secrets are safe
Because of you I am saved
Thank you Junabee
To our friendship
You hold the key
Don't give it up
You're the only one I'd say this to
You're like a sister
A sister that my mom never conceived
But I thank you for being all that I needed

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