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Get ready for something clichè and cheesy.
This won't be easy not even breazy
Hopefully it doesn't make you queasy
Are you ready?
I can't pay your love off with fetti
But this might do the trick, might petty
Wish I could buy you a teddy
Yk you make me unsteady
But let's get on, sit back relax
Enough about me
I'm sorry about last night
I won't let us slip through the cracks
Because you are...

The sun to the morning
The man and the moon
The firework that goes boom
So beautiful and bright
The stars and the night
The clouds to the rain
Our love won't go through the drain
The sunset in the sky
Please don't kiss another guy
The obstacles to our lives
The ups and downs
The turn arounds

But we go together like
My fingers and yours interwinds
Intertwines, and tangles and mangles in your hair as it flows
As it grows and blows
We need each other like
Peanut butter needs it's jelly
Ying needs it's yang
Wolf needs it's pray
Like Snape needs his lily
This all might be childish and silly
But we need each other really
Like a bowl needs it's chilli
And your dad's letter to Abi needed it's grilly

I love you like
Our dad's love to drink
And weed loves its bong
Smoke loves it's air

I love you more than my motorcycle
More than Harry Potter
More than soda and water
More than tinker Bell loves Peter pan
More than Peter pan loves his lost boys
More than Moana and Maui
More than Olaf loves Anna
More than Marlin loves Dory
More than flownder loves Ariel
More than Bambi loves flower
More than Donkey loves Shrek
More than Dragon loves donkey
More than Shrek loves Fiona
More than Cookie loves the muffin man
More than addidas and quesadillas
More than breathing And peeing 😂
More than leaves loves it's trees
More than roses loves it's thorns
More than vanilla loves it's chocolate

You are my vanilla
And my baby
Mi Amor
And the only one I adore
My baby girl
Nothing less nothing more
Our love conquerors all
We've reached the top
There is no competition
We're the power couple
The one everyone dreams about
Our love is written in the books
And watched on the movies

We love each other like
Barney loves family
I won't leave you in agony
I hope you accept my apology
Cause you're by far my greatest Galaxy
You are mine and I am yours
Forever and always

Now I'm done with this shitty poem
I hope I didn't leave you broken
I hope you wake up and smile
I did this in style
I'll wait awhile
For you to see
cause I know you won't wake up
until past three

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