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Roses are red
Violets are blue
My pain is so bad
And where were you?
I shouldn't be selfish
And needing you
But I do

You were the only one
I knew I could rely on
and yet I didn't get a reply
You said you were sorry
And I bet you are
I just wish you weren't occupied
I'm trying to be polite
And be a delight
So you can survive
And make me feel alive
And you can provide
The supply
And make me feel high
Get drunk off the sight of your eyes
Waiting for you to arrive
Made me despise your life
Outside of mine

I love you so much
I just wanted to feel your touch
I miss you baby
Maybe I'm a little crazy
It happens daily
But you're my wet drops when it's rainy
Your rain makes a Daisy
Bloom, bloom into a beautiful Storm
Blown away into the wind
I thank God for the day you were born
I never feel torn

You're mine
Everyone else can get in line
Only there isn't one
Because you're my great Devine
When our fingers intertwine
And we gaze at the stars as they align
You are a perfect design
And I couldn't ask for something more beautiful.

You've got it down to an art
You own my heart
I won't tear yours apart
I know we'll never depart
But you're my end, middle, and start
My green light
Telling me to
go go go
I know you might feel low
Although you shouldn't feel slow
The light isn't yellow

I'm a pro
Because you make me glow
Make my thoughts flow
I might be taller than the average Joe
But don't worry munchkin you'll grow

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