say the word

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"Let me see the baby," Hershel said.

"What are we gonna feed it?" Daryl asked as Carl carried her over. "We got anything a baby can eat?"

"The good news is she looks healthy, but she needs formula. And soon, or she won't survive," Hershel told them, delivering the verdict with a slight grimace.

"Nope. No way. Not her," Daryl said, lifting the strap of his crossbow over his shoulder. "We ain't losing nobody else. I'm going for a run."

"I'll back you up," Aubrey said, rising from the ground and snatching her bloodied knife from the ground with a slight, noticeable hesitation.

"I'll go, too," Glenn offered.

"Okay, think where we're going. Beth," Daryl said, motioning her over to him.
"Kid just lost his mom. His dad ain't doing so hot."

"I'll look out for him."

"You two get the fence. Too many pile up, we got ourselves a problem," Daryl instructed, addressing the prisoners. "Glenn, Aubrey, vámonos."

"Rick!" Hershel called, as Rick grabbed his discarded axe and disappeared into the prison.

"Get the gate," Daryl said. "Come on, we're gonna lose the light!"

Aubrey turned and followed Daryl as he ran to the vehicles.

"There's a Piggly Wiggly on eighty-five," Glenn said, catching up to them.

"No, the baby section's been cleared," Aubrey replied. "Lori asked me to keep an eye out, haven't had much luck."

"Is there any place that hasn't been completely looted?" Daryl asked, lifting the crossbow off his back.

"We saw signs for a shopping center just north of here," Glenn answered.

"Yeah, but there's too much debris on the road, a car will never get through there," Aubrey pointed out, leaning into the Hyundai's backseat.

"I can take one of you," Daryl said, putting on his angel wing vest.

"I'll go."

Glenn turned to her. "No, Aubrey, after everything that you've been through, okay, I'll go," he said gently.

"I want to go. For Lori, I have to."

Glenn studied her face for a brief moment; the redness of her eyes had faded but the tear tracks on her cheeks had yet to dry. He wiped them away gently. She looked like hell, but he knew she was capable.

"Okay," he finally agreed, leaning into the car for a backpack before he turned back to her, placing his hand against her neck and his thumb against her cheek.

"Be safe."

Aubrey nodded, closing the small distance between them and kissing him as Daryl kicked his motorcycle to life.

"I will," she whispered, kissing him again quickly before she swung the backpack onto her shoulders and mounted the bike behind Daryl, wrapping her arms lightly around is waist.

Glenn's eyes followed them as they tore through the yard and out the gate.

Oscar and Axel approached Glenn as he dug a grave.

He glanced over at them and stepped out of the hole. "How's the perimeter look?"

"We got the walkers spread out," Axel answered, dropping his attention to Glenn's hole. "Need help?

Glenn turned his back on him without saying a word.

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