Chapter One

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I sit up in my bed, thinking everything over again. If Cesar doesn't want to be with me, then why would he even get with me in the first place? We've always disliked each other, and then somehow this whole 'thing' happened over the summer. I'm not even sure how it had happened, it just did. We spent this whole summer together, minus the fact that he would either sneak over or I would. If not that, then we would meet in private somewhere secluded.

I think that I do like Cesar, but every time I see him now in public, he's always a dick. He'll say mean things to me, of course it doesn't hurt me. Well, it does, but how can he say things like that? Honestly, did all of this mean nothing to him?

"Yo Rosie, get up," Javier says entering my room. Javier is my older brother and he's nineteen; somehow he's still living with me and our parents. I love him and all but is he ever going to do anything?

"Thank you so much for knocking. And get up for what?" I say rubbing my eyes. He looks at me like I'm stupid.

"It's your first day of freshman year estúpido," he says. Oh, that's right, I forgot. I don't even want to go to school, knowing that Cesar's going to be there.

"Oh cierto, lo siento," I apologize.

"Yeah, now get the hell up," he smirks at me. I roll my eyes and get myself out of bed. Why should I even bother anymore? Or, you can try to show Cesar what he's missing out on, a voice says from inside my head. But why bother trying to impress a guy that clearly doesn't like me?

I suppose I could try a little bit, but for myself. I grab my phone from beside me and check the time. I have an hour to get ready, which should be plenty. I toss the blankets off of me and slowly stand up. I hate when I get light headed in the morning because I stand up too fast. When I'm on my two feet I fix my bed.

After doing that, I walk over to my closet and look for something to wear. I'm thinking something that's cute but casual. I grab my light washed ripped shorts with a white bodysuit. The top is a little low cut but it's fine. I grab some other things I'll need and then leave my room to go down the hall to the bathroom. I wish I had my own, but sadly we can't afford a new house.

Don't get me wrong, I love this house with all my heart. I just wish I didn't have to share a bathroom. I mean, doesn't everyone wish that? I get into the bathroom and shut the door behind me, making sure to lock it. I quickly turn the shower on and do my business. When I'm in the shower, that's my time to think about things.

I really am finding it hard to understand why Cesar acts like this. Is it me? Did I do something to make him like that? I'm not even sure why we disliked each other in the first place. We've gone to school since we were in kindergarten for Christ's sakes! Our brothers are apart of rival gangs, so I do see that. But why would he get with me in the first place then?

It can't possibly have anything to do with that, well I think. But I don't think I ever will understand. "¡Date prisa!" I hear my brother yell as he knocks on the door.

"Dame un minuto, Dios mío," I say. I quickly turn the shower off and wrap a towel around myself. I grab my clothes, seeing as my brother is in such a hurry. Even though he doesn't even go to school because he's nineteen. I open the door and brush past him.

"Take your time princesa," I smirk as I walk past.

"Shut up," he says shutting the door behind him. I chuckle and go back into my room, shutting the door as well. I quickly dry myself off and toss my clothes on. I lotion the exposed parts of my body, which is my legs and arms, not forgetting my face. I look at myself in my mirror and the outfit looks good. I grab some socks and my low top white converse.

This outfit looks pretty good. I leave my hair as is in its natural curls. Some finishing touches are my medium-sized silver hoops with a dainty silver necklace. It's my signature accessory. My father gave me this necklace when I turned seven for my birthday. I rarely ever have it off. It's a skinny silver chain with a small silver rose in the middle. I smile a little looking down at it. I grab my phone off of my bed and check the time.

I should really start walking to school. I grab my backpack and turn the light off when I leave my room. "Adiós madre y padre," I say as I leave the house. They say goodbye and good luck on my first day of high school. It's rare that you ever see two parents still together in this town.

I grab out my headphones and plug them into my phone. I hit shuffle and listen to the music on my way to school. As I'm walking a car is going past in front of me. I happen to look over and see that it's Spooky in the drivers seat. Spooky, or Oscar, is Cesar's older brother. I look over at the passenger side and there he is in all of his glory, Cesar Diaz.

The guy who I had a summer fling with. The guy who is an absolute asshole to me and apparently doesn't want to be seen with me. We make eye contact and I quickly look away from him, not making it obvious. I take a deep breath and keep walking as they drive past.

I really hope that he's in none of my classes.


I'm at my locker when I hear people approach me. It's Monse, Jamal, and Ruby. They're Cesar's best friends, well more like family. I guess you could say that I'm friends with them, but not to where we hang out or anything. Maybe more of acquaintances. "Hi guys," I say shutting my locker.

"Hi Rosalina," Monse smiles. The guys greet me as well. "You nervous for our first day?" she asks me as we start to walk.

"Not really," I say truthfully.

"How can you not be?" Jamal asks. He then starts to ramble on and I sort of tune out. That is until Monse kind of shouts.

"Aha, so Cesar said something!" she exclaims. I look over at the three confused. Ruby smacks Jamal on the arm.

"Sorry," Jamal says.

"What's going on?" I ask them.

"Well apparently Cesar said something and now we're no longer friends with him," Monse says, "I'm just trying to figure out what." Wouldn't she know though? Oh that's right, she went to that one camp over the summer. She's definitely grown, she took her braces off and kinda has boobs now. Good for her.

As if on cue when she said his name, I see Cesar ahead of us. It looks like Monse is about to approach him. "I'll see you guys later," I say turning the opposite direction in which he's coming from. I start to just wander around since school doesn't start for another fifteen minutes. It's the first day of school and there isn't much that I can do during this time.

It's not like I have homework to finish up yet, I don't need anything at my locker, and I have zero friends other than Monse and them. But then again, they're merely just my acquaintances. I could get some breakfast, seeing as I skipped it this morning. I start walking in the direction to go to the cafeteria. I hope they have decent options to choose from. I'd really rather not have my stomach growling in the middle of class.

estúpido - stupid
oh cierto, lo siento - oh right, sorry
¡date prisa! - hurry the hell up!
dame un minuto, dios mío - give me a minute, gosh
princesa - princess
adiós madre y padre - goodbye mom and dad

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