Chapter Three

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It's been a few days since Cesar and I's last encounter. Sure I've seen him glance at me a few times during class, but nothing more than that. Of course I do hear him make comments about me to some of the guys he talks to in class. They aren't good comments either, of course that isn't to be expected coming from him. He's Lil Spooky now and he has to live up to that. I'm the sister of Javier Topaz, the leader of the Prophets.

Originally it was Latrelle who was the leader, until he was injured horribly in a fight. The members felt that Javier was suitably fit to be the new leader. Latrelle wanted no one other than his best friend to take his place. They've been so close almost their whole lives, it's truly amazing.

Anyways, now that it's the weekend I can finally relax. School hasn't been too awful, but it'd make it easier if Cesar didn't go to the same school as me. I just don't get how one moment we're all over each other and then the next, he acts like he completely hates and despised me. Is it really that easy for him? I'm pulled from my thoughts once the front door is slammed open.

I look over and see my brother staring at me out of breath. I can already feel something bad has happened. I slowly stand up. "Javier, what's wrong?" I ask. But I'm not quite sure that I want the answer. The words he says next make my stomach drop.

"It's dad," he breathes heavily. Everything seems to slow and my heart clenches in my chest. He's saying something but I can't seem to hear him. I soon snap out of it once he's pulling my arm, leading me outside. He puts me in the front seat of his car and starts it right away. Everything seems so silent and we get to the hospital in a blur.

I get out of the car and Javier wraps his arm around me. I finally get the words to speak. "What h-happened?" I ask shakily.

"He was caught in a shooting at the store," he says.

"Is he going t-to be okay?" I ask worried. We walk inside and go to the waiting room where I see my mother. Her hair is a mess and she has bloodshot eyes. She doesn't look like herself.

"Only time can tell Rosie, he was shot very near to his heart," he says quietly. My stomach drops even further hearing that. I can't seem to find it in me to cry. I don't know why it's so hard, when I really want to. I'm just in shock. I sit down next to my mother and my brother sits on the other side of her. They begin to talk in a quiet conversation while I just sit here.

My father and I are really close, so this news is unbelievable. There's a little hope inside that they're just playing some sick joke and he'll pop out and say that he's okay. But I know it's too much of a reach. I play around with the necklace he gave me. It's so simple yet beautiful, and it holds a lot of meaning.

"Rosalina," my mother says quietly. I look up from the necklace and let it drop back to my chest.

"Yes?" I ask.

"I know this is very hard to believe, but your father is strong. He's always been a fighter and I know he'll try his hardest to be with us. I just need you to be strong as well. Javi will bring you home so that you guys can rest. I'll be home later tonight and I'll tell you's what happens once he gets out of surgery, okay?" she says to me.

"Sí," I lightly smile. She gives me a hug and kiss on the forehead, as well as Javier. He says a few words to her and then we leave.


We arrive at home and I hurry inside. I quickly go into my room and grab some sweatpants and an old t-shirt. Along with some other things. As I go out into the hall I run into Javi. "I'm going to take a shower," I say.

"Okay, are you alright Rosie?" he asks. I nod my head.

"I'm fine," I say. I make my way into the bathroom and lock the door behind me. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. I start the shower and take off my clothes. I take off my necklace and place it safely on the counter. I get into the shower and feel the warm water run down my back.

Then it all hits me at once. I could potentially lose my father, my best friend. All because of this stupid town we live in where violence seems to be the only answer in people's minds. The first tear falls and I can't stop them after that. I slide down the shower wall and hold my knees to my chest as I sob my heart out. I'm sure to be quiet so that Javier can't hear me.

Why is it that god always hurts the kind, caring, innocent ones? What have they ever done to deserve such things? I'm very lucky to have a man like my father, he's one of a kind. I don't want to lose that. I can't even imagine not having him with me. I'm startled by a knock at the door. "Rosie, can you hurry up? I have to piss," he says.

He always finds a way to be so obnoxious in any situation. I laugh a little bit to myself. "Yeah give me a second," I say. I stand up and turn the shower off. I quickly dry myself off and throw on my clothes. I open the door and make sure to keep my head down incase my eyes are red from crying.

I go into my room and shut the door behind me. I close my curtains so that it's even more dark. I lie down on my bed and just lay there until I just so happen to fall asleep.

I'm woken up by the sound of someone crying loudly. I quickly put some socks on because my feet are cold. Then I walk out of my room and into the living room. My mom is in my brothers arms and she's crying. I walk around the couch and see that my brother has a few tears as well. "What's wrong?" I ask quietly; my eyebrows furrow together.

"H-he didn't make it hija," my mother says looking at me with tears pouring down her face. My heart shatters and I step back.

"Rosie," my brother says. I quickly run out of the house not even caring to put my shoes on. I hear them shouting after me but I don't look back. My father is dead. He's gone. I keep running even though my feet hurt. I know that it's dangerous to be out at this time of night, but I don't care.

I finally make it to the park and I head for the picnic table. I haven't even noticed the tears running down my face, or my loud cries. I sit down and hold my arms around myself. My father is gone and I didn't even get to say goodbye. I look down at my necklace and I cry even harder. My best friend is gone.

"Rosalina?" I hear someone say from behind me.

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