Chapter Two

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I close the front door behind me as I enter my home. The first day of high school wasn't as terrible as I thought it was going to be. It was actually pretty nice, nobody was too obnoxious. I also just happen to have Cesar in only one of my classes, and it's at the end of the day. It's not my favorite cup of tea that it's at the end of the day, but I'll manage.

At least this way he can't ruin the rest of my school day. If he were to be in one of my morning classes, I actually think I would cry. It's already bad enough how he treats me, and I still don't know the reason for it. But I'm really not trying to go and look for the answer. He seems to already have enough on his hands with his friends.

They were all so close, I don't understand why all of a sudden they aren't friends anymore, even Monse doesn't know why they aren't friends anymore. And it's all because of something Cesar said? I for sure don't know what he said. When Monse puts her mind to things, she sticks with it. Eventually she'll find out what he said, then I can ask her. Just to get rid of the curiosity, of knowing, out of my mind.

"How was my baby sis' first day of high school, huh?" Javier asks as soon as I set my bag on the couch.

"Actually kind of good," I say plopping down on the couch.

"Anything interesting happen?" he asks turning the tv on.

"Not that I can think of," I shake my head.

"On my first day of high school, there was a shooting and they had to close the school for like a week. So that was awesome," he laughs. I just shake my head at how heartless he can be sometimes.

"You really are an idiot," I say in fake disbelief. I get up and go into the kitchen to find something to eat. After looking for a couple of minutes I decide on eating some potato chips. I go back into the living room and take my same seat. After about five minutes of watching tv, my brothers phone dings. He shoots up real quick.

"Aw shit, I gotta go. I'll be back later, remember to see who it is before opening the door and-" I cut him off. I've been through this many times before.

"And don't forget to bring the bat with me when I answer the door," I say monotone.

"Don't get smart," he says. He gives me a quick kiss on the head and shuts the door behind him once he leaves. Sometimes I wonder what life would be like if I didn't live here, if I didn't have this family. Two parents, who I'm very grateful that are still together, that work late every single night to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table. A brother, who surprisingly finished high school, who is now in a gang and still living with us.

We also don't live in a very good town. I mean come on, my brother just told me that on his first day of high school, there was a shooting. I'm pulled from my thoughts once I hear a knock on the door. My heart slightly pounds in my chest and I slowly get up. I walk over to the door but grab the bat first, holding it behind my back. I look out the peep hole and see Cesar. Almost immediately I roll my eyes. I set the bat down and open the door.

"Can I help you?" I ask, but I don't really care.

"I'm coming in," he says. He pushes past me and I stand there stunned.

"Oh gladly come in," I scoff while shutting the door. I turn around and see him standing there, staring at me.

"You look good," he says eyeing me.

"Okay, and? Why are you here?" I say. Honestly I'm done with him and all of his bullshit. He can either explain himself or leave.

"Why else would I be here? To be with you," he says stepping closer to me. I roll my eyes. I grab my backpack from off of the couch and walk to my room. I don't even care whether he left or not. I put my bag on my chair and notice he followed me. "Why're you being like this?" he asks confused.

"What do you mean Cesar?" I ask annoyed.

"I mean aren't you happy to see me? We haven't seen each other for like a few days, maybe even a week," he says.

"Should I be happy to see you?" I ask honestly. He gives me yet another confused look. "What are we doing? More so what are you doing?" I ask him.

"What are you talking about Rose?" he says.

"I'm talking about us. What the hell is even going on? One minute you're all over me, the next you despise me. It's either you or I sneaking over to one another's house. It's you that's a complete asshole to me in public," I spit.

"Rose, I can explain that," he says.

"Oh please do," I say sarcastically. I take a seat on my bed and he pulls a chair up in front of me.

"Rose, I like you I really do. But you know that it could never work between us right?" he asks. I'm shocked for a moment, I can't even find the words.

"Unbelievable!" I exclaim. I stand up and walk over to my door.

"What? Rose wait," he says grabbing my arm. I push his hand off.

"Cesar, if you thought it was never going to work between us, then why did you even bother? To lead me on? To bring me up just so you can put me back down? If so good job, it fucking worked," I give an airy laugh.

"No Rose, that's the last thing I would ever want to do. I'm just saying, Oscar and Javier would never let us happen. I have to be like that to you otherwise Oscar would question me," he says.

"Who gives a shit what they would do! I mean-" I stop once I realize. I'm so fucking stupid, how didn't I realize this before? "You did it didn't you? You fucking did it!" I say angrily.

"What? What did I do?" he asks.

I give a sarcastic laugh, "You really are Lil Spooky now huh?" His face drops once I say it. "You didn't really think I wouldn't find out did you? Man, you really are something Cesar. You know, maybe it is best that we aren't together. I think it'd be even better if you just stopped seeing me."

"No, Rose I like you I really do," he says desperately.

"Cesar, all we did was fuck! It was either me or you that left soon afterwards. It's not like you cared how my day was, all you wanted was sex in the end. Just like every other guy out there. I actually liked you, I did. But now I know how you truly felt all along. We could never be together, and we never will. Just like you said," I smile lightly.

He looks at me in utter disbelief. "I think you can see yourself out," I say. I turn off my light and lay down on my bed. After a couple of seconds I finally hear him leave my room. The front door shuts moments after. Cesar and I could never be together. He and I both have to accept that. I'm sure he'll have no problem. I mean he did say it himself.

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