Chapter Five

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"You know, I really admire your guys' friend group. You guys are all so close. You shouldn't let anyone come in between that. It's rare to have that around here," I say truthfully. It makes me a little sad that I don't have any friends like that. Or any friends for that matter.

"Trust me, I don't think anyone could get in between us," Ruby says. I smile, I really don't think anyone could get in between them either.

Then the front door opens and I look outside and it's still light out. My mom said she probably wouldn't be home until tonight. I think it's my brother. Oh no.

My brother walks in the door and freezes once he sees my company. I quickly stand up and he looks at me, before looking over at Cesar. Everyone is dead silent. It's really no problem that Monse, Ruby, and Jamal are here, but it's Cesar. "You, what are you doing here?" Javier asks, but his words are slurred and his eyes are red. He's probably cross faded. He also has a couple cuts on his face.

"They were just leaving Javier," I say. Everyone stands and goes towards the door past Javier.

"Bye Rosalina," everyone says. But before Cesar can leave Javier grabs his shoulder. I step forward a little waiting to see what he does.

"If I ever catch you here again, you're dead," he says. Cesar looks back at me before nodding and leaves. Javier slams the door behind him and then looks at me with a crazy look in his eye. "Who the fuck were they and why was Cesar Diaz here?!" he asks loudly.

"God, the once chance I get at actually having friends and you ruined it! Just like before when you joined the fucking gang," I yell at him.

"You are not to be friends with those people Rosie, especially not that Diaz kid," he spits.

"You're not my dad!" I yell.

"Well we don't have a fucking dad anymore! He's dead, get over it!" he yells back at me. My breath gets caught and a lump forms in my throat.

"I'm sorry I can't get over something that only happened last night. I'm sorry I don't drink and smoke my problems away," I scoff. I grab my phone and blanket before heading down the hallway to my room. I slam the door behind me and lock it. I press my back against the door and before I know it, tears are falling down my face. It's like a waterfall and I can't stop it.

I don't get how Javier can be so heartless, he loved our father. It seems as if this family is already falling apart now that he's gone. After what feels like an eternity I get up and lay down in my bed, sleep following soon after.


I would stay home from school for the rest of the week, but I don't want to miss schoolwork. Sometimes, I wish that I was homeschooled because I have no friends. What's the point of me being at school if everyone doesn't want to talk to me because of Javier? It feels as if my brother revolves around my whole life. I can't make any friends or hangout with anyone because of him.


The bell rings and it's time for my last class of the day, with Cesar. Maybe it won't be so bad. He knows that my dad just died, I'm sure he isn't going to do anything for awhile.

I walk into the classroom and sit in my seat. As I'm organizing my stuff on my desk I hear Cesar talking to his friends. "Yeah, she's probably got daddy issues now," he laughs along with his friends. He could be talking about anyone, maybe it's just a coincidence. "He probably killed himself to get away from Rosalina; she's an embarrassment. Hell, I would too," he laughs.

What the actual fuck? I stand up and walk over to Cesar. "What was that?" I ask. He looks at me as if in shock and amusement.

"Your dad probably killed himself to get away from you, I would too. You're a complete embarrassment. Why are you even talking to me?" he asks with a snarky look. I nod my head and purse my lips.

"You know Cesar, I never thought a rep would mean so much to someone. Especially someone who has daddy issues of their own, oops," I pretend to look as if I said something I shouldn't have.

"Get our of my sight bitch, go kill yourself like your dad did," he spits. That crossed the line. Every bone in my body fills with rage that I feel myself shaking. I punch Cesar right in the eye and push his stuff off of his desk. I gather my stuff and stop beside him before I leave. He's holding his eye and looking at me with pain in his face.

"Say something again, and I'll make sure you won't live to see tomorrow. That's a promise," I say looking him dead in the eye. Everyone in the class is dead silent as I leave. I slam the door behind me and walk out of the school. I'm sick of this bullshit that Cesar puts me through. I've had enough. I can't take anymore of it, it's all too damn much. I could never show my face here after that.

As soon as I'm out of the school I start running home. Everything passes me in a blur. My head feels foggy and I can't even think straight. What if my dad really did kill himself? What if my mom covered it up because she knew the truth? Robbery's and shootings happen all the time around here, it'd be a perfect cover story because it makes sense. But my father loved me. He probably hated you. You heard Cesar, you're an embarrassment. You have no friends, you really think that's only because of Javier? No one wants to be your friend because you're embarrassing and nobody would want to be seen with you. He probably pitied you. How could someone love a person like that?

That isn't true. Oh but it is. Even Cesar saw you were unlovable. If he did care as much as he say he does, why doesn't he act the same way at school when he does when he's alone with you? Cesar has a reputation, he's Spooky's brother and I'm Javier's sister, we could never be together. Ah, but if he truly cared about you, it wouldn't matter to him if you could never be together. He'd fight for it. You've made your point.

What's your purpose of even being here anymore then? What's stopping you from ending it all? I-nothing is stopping me. My dad didn't love me, my mom had to cover it up, she wouldn't miss me. She has Javier, she always seemed to love him more than me and he's in a gang. Javier, he wouldn't care either. He'd get over it right away just like he did when our father died.

I approach my house and stop at the front door. Both of their cars are gone; nobody's home. I unlock my front door before shutting it behind me.

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