Chapter Thirteen

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I wake up and it's still dark outside. Cesar is still sound asleep beside me. I carefully turn over and grab my phone. I turn it on and it's almost four in the morning. I place it back down on my bedside table and rub my eyes. I lay back down and try to go to sleep again, but I can't. I roll on my other side and try again, but I just can't seem to fall back asleep.

Looks like I'm starting the day early. I carefully get out of bed so I don't wake Cesar. I walk over to my door and leave my room. I head into the living room and look over at my front door. My moms shoes are next to it. She must be home. Deciding to double check, I go over to the curtains and peak outside and sure enough, her car is in the driveway.

I've missed my mom so much, it feels like I haven't seen her in years. My heart aches at the thought of her. Seeing as I can't fall asleep in my own room, I decide to go to my moms room. I walk down the hallway and her door is cracked open. I walk in and lay down next to her. I feel her wake up at my sudden presence.

"Rosie?" she asks tiredly.

"Hola mamá," I say. I cuddle up next to her and she rubs my back.

"What are you doing in here honey?"

"I've just missed you, that's all," I say, a tear slipping from my eye.

"Oh darling, I've missed you too. Now get some rest," she says kissing my forehead.

"I love you, mom."

"I love you too, hija."

It's almost instantly that I fall right to sleep. It never fails when I sleep next to my mom. It's just something about a mother's presence that is so comforting. You feel at home and at peace.


I wake up to someone lightly shaking me. I open my eyes slightly and see Cesar sitting down next to me. I realized that I'm in my moms room and I sit up quickly. I look around the room and my mom is nowhere to be found. "She left for work earlier. It's the afternoon now," he says. Wow, I've slept all through the morning.

"I haven't slept like that in what feels like forever," I say. Even though she left so soon, it felt nice to know she still took me into her arms.

"You couldn't sleep last night?" he rubs the back of my hand.

"I was sleeping but then I woke up and couldn't fall back asleep for the life of me. So I got up and I saw that my moms shoes were here. Then I went and laid by her and fell right asleep. I've really missed her Cesar. It feels like it's been years since I last saw her," I say. I can feel myself starting to get choked up.

He hugs me and rubs my back. I let a few tears fall. "I can't imagine whatever you're going through right now, Rosalina. But I just want you to know that I'll always be here for you no matter what. You can talk to me."

"Thank you, Cesar," I whisper. I pull away and think. I'd rather not say anything. There's nothing he can really do about it and I don't want to push all of my feelings on him. "I'm kind of hungry," I say.

"Then let's get something to eat," he says already walking to the kitchen. I get up and follow him. He looks around in the cupboards and finds oatmeal.

"I have some raspberries, they're really good in oatmeal," I say going to the fridge. He starts to make the oatmeal on the stove and I set down the raspberries.

Time passes quickly and he's already done making it. I grab us some bowls and spoons. After getting our food we go into the living room and turn on the tv. As we're almost done eating, Cesar's phone buzzes. He pulls it out and checks it. "Hey Rosie, I've gotta go right now. But I'll probably stop by later on tonight," he says getting up quickly and giving me a kiss.

"Uh, okay," I say as he goes into the kitchen to wash his dish quick. He finishes and hurries toward the front door.

"I'll see you later babe," he says shutting the door behind him.

"Babe? Huh, he's weird," I say to myself. I finish eating my oatmeal and go into the kitchen. I wash my bowl and spoon and dry them off. I put both mine and Cesar's dishes away. I go into my room to change into something for the day.

Nothing too special seeing as I'm probably just going to lounge around the house, per usual. I put my hair into a bun and grab my phone before going back into the living room. I start to surf the channels finding something to put on. Even though it's just going to end up being background noise.

I swear I could watch YouTube on my phone for hours on end. I finally find a decent show and go on my phone. About a couple minutes pass before I hear a car door slam shut. Clearly I'm not expecting anyone. I hear footsteps walking up the front porch and then the door opens. I turn my head and I can't really see who it is.

Then they close the door behind them and turn around. It's Javier. I'm at a loss for words. But then he says something, that makes me freeze up on the spot. "You wanna tell me why that Diaz kid was walking two houses down away from our house? And I know damn well he wasn't at any of the neighbors," he says angrily.

Hey guys, I know. I'm terrible at updating new chapters. I just have this thing where I get interested in writing for a little while and then I have no interest for what seems like forever. Believe me I'm going to try and work on that some more. But I wanted to get a new chapter to you guys as soon as possible. As you can tell, the next one is gonna have a lil drama. And thank you for 4K reads already. That's amazing that this book is doing well even though I suck haha. But fr imma be better and get you guys them chapters. Cos I know that it does suck when your reading a book and it takes forever for the next chapter to come out and you forget what's happening when it finally does. But thank you so much and be ready for the next one.

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