Between Two Hearts [Goldie X Freddy] Chapter 1

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Between Two Hearts [Goldie X Freddy]


{My name is, Goldie. I'm 8 years old. I'm a golden colored animatronic bear. I have no eyes but I do have white pupils. I can see just fine thank goodness. I have a black bow tie and that's all what I look like. I live in a small house out on the far side of my town. Today my dad told me that he had something really important to tell me. I'm not sure what it is but I'm excited to figure out what it is. This is my first journal entry in this journal and my first journal writing ever. My dad said it would help me feel better after all the things I'm going through. So far it's okay.. I just wish I could change things back to the way they were before..}

"!!" I jumped and slammed my journal down as I heard my door open. It was my dad. I got up from laying on my bed and sat on the edge. I looked up at him as he came and sat next to me. My dad was a yellowish color but he wasn't golden. He had also a black bow tie and had green eyes. I looked down at the floor and back up at him when I heard him sigh. He looked down at me and gave me a small smile. I smiled back at him as he put a hand on my shoulder. "Goldie I have something to tell you." He told me. I tilted my head to the side as he said that. "What is it?" I asked him. "We're moving." He told me. I perked my ears and then drooped them. "W- what? W- why?" I asked. He shook his head. "It's too hard in this neighborhood. After what happened.. people have been giving me a hard time. I think it's time to move off this street and move inside of town. I found a house already and we are moving this weekend. I got boxes for you to start packing your stuff. Okay?" He told me. I lowered my eyelids into a saddened look. I felt him move his hand to my back and rub me softly. "I know it's hard Goldie. It'll get better throughout our lives. I'm sorry son." He told me and stood up. I looked up at him again as he walked out of my room. He shut the door quietly and I'm assuming walked away. I threw myself back onto my bed onto my back. I covered my eyes and sighed. I looked over to my left and looked at my picture frame on my nightstand. I sat up and got on my hands and knees and crawled to it. I sat back on the edge of the bed and picked the photo up. "I miss you, mommy... I want you back.. please come back.." I told the picture quietly. I put it up against my chest and laid my head on my pillow. I felt my eyes tear up as I shut them slightly. My vision was blocked my tears and all I just seen was blur. I blinked and felt my tears stream down my face. I looked up at my alarm clock and it was 7:30pm. Almost dinner time. I'm not sure if I'm hungry anymore. I rolled to my other side on my bed, still holding the photo in my arms, I looked out my window and just seen the sun going down. I looked around at the yard. There was a swing set and small sandbox there. I slowly rose the photo up under my nose and just sniffled quietly. "Remember mommy? We used to play together right there on the swing set.. you used to push me so high but not high enough for me to fall off. Remember we used to build sandcastles together? I miss you mommy..." I told the photo quietly again. I slowly shut my eyes and held the photo close again. I soon heard my door open and just stay open. I heard my dad sigh and walk in. I kept my eyes shut. I felt him sit by me at the edge of the bed and pet my side. "She would be so proud of you Goldie.. you've grown up so fast and have become such a gentlemen. She would be so proud of you." I heard him say quietly. I felt him lean forward and kiss my cheek. I felt him get off the bed and heard him grab my blanket and felt him put it on me. "Goodnight Goldie.. sweet dreams buddy." I heard him say before turning my light off. I heard him walk out of the room and shut the door. I opened my eyes again and just stared outside. "Goodnight mommy..." I whispered quietly as I shut my eyes and fell asleep.

(Next day)

I woke up the the sound of my alarm. I opened my eyes slowly as the bright sunlight filled my vision. I squinted my eyes and rolled to my other side quickly. I turned my alarm off and let my arm hang down from my bed. I took a deep sigh and just blinked slowly as I looked around my room. I looked in the direction of my door when I heard it open. My dad peaked his head in and smiled softly at me. "Morning bud. Hungry?" He asked me. I nodded slightly. He nodded and shut the door again and left. I sighed and made myself sit up in my bed. I looked to my side and picked the photo up again. I set it on my nightstand again and jumped off my bed. I walked to my door and opened it. I took a step out but stopped and went back into my room. I walked quickly to my nightstand and bent down and opened a drawer. I took my little bunny plushy out and hugged it tightly. I held it close to my chest as I ran out of my room to the kitchen. I walked to the table and climbed on a chair and sat down. My dad came by me with a plate in his hand and set it down in front of me. "Your favorite. Eat so we can head out soon. I need to go pick up some supplies from the store before we move." He told me and smiled as he got some for him to. He made pancakes and put some fruit by it. I never liked syrup so I just substituted it with fruit. My favorite fruit was strawberries and blueberries. I picked up my fork and started to eat them.

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