Between Two Hearts [Goldie X Freddy] Chapter 8

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Between Two Hearts [Goldie X Freddy]



"Okay. Let's see.." Bonnie spoke. I looked at him as he thought for a moment. "So are you gonna switch schools then?" He asked me and Goldie. I looked down at Goldie a bit. "I guess.. might just be the best thing to do at the moment." I replied and looked back at him. "Alright. Well since that's figured out. Chica and foxy are you really gonna move with them?" He asked and looked at them. "Yes. No denying that." Chica replied. I gave her a soft smile and looked back at Bonnie. "Well.. I-" Bonnie was cut off. I perked my ears when I heard an odd sound. Everyone went dead silent and looked around the room. I looked out the window and seen something out of the ordinary. I walked closer to it and looked outside and seen smoke. I stiffened up my back and gasped quietly. "What's going on?" I heard Bonnie ask. "F.. fire.." I replied. "What??" I heard Chica ask panicked. "It's not this house.. it's the neighbors.." I heard Goldie say. "Come on!" I heard Bonnie yell. I turned around and grabbed Goldie's arm as we all ran out of the house. I noticed Goldie's dad already outside talking to his neighbors as we rushed out the front door. Goldie broke free of my grip and ran to his dad. I slowed down and stopped as I watched him.

(Goldie's POV)

"Dad!" I yelled as I ran to him. I stopped when I heard my neighbor crying and panicking. "Where is the fire department??" I asked nervously. "They're coming." He replied. I looked at my neighbors again. I never really seen my neighbors but they are really nice people. I lowered my ears when I just heard the screams of the wife as she panicked. I got silent and listened to her for a second since I couldn't make out words that she was saying. "Calm down sweetie it'll be okay.. the fire department are on their way.." I heard the husband trying to calm her down. "But my baby's in there!!" She screamed out and tried running back to the house. He chased her and stopped her and pulled her back. I looked at my dad and back at freddy and the others as they walked closer to us. "What's going on?" Freddy asked. "Their baby is in that house.." I replied and looked back at the house. I looked at my dad who was at the edge of the sidewalk, watching for the fire truck. I looked down and back at the house that was covered in flames. I perked my ears when I heard a baby crying in fear. I quickly looked at freddy and back at the house. "Goldie don't.." he told me. "Don't what?" Bonnie asked. I took a deep breath and ran to the house. "GOLDIE!!!" I heard Freddy scream.
I ignored him and continued running to the front door. I kicked it in and jumped over the flames. I listened for the baby's cry again. It was coming from upstairs. I ran to the flame lit stairs and ran up them. I looked up at the ceiling when I heard cracking sounds. I gasped and hurried up the steps.

(Freddys POV)

I watched the house be turned into ash in panic. My heart pounding faster then the speed of light in disbelief. I heard the fire truck coming closer and Goldie's dad screaming for Goldie in the background. My friends were doing the same. I couldn't even speak.

I turned my head and seen the firefighters getting the hose hooked up as fast as they could. One firefighter came rushing to Goldie's dad. "MY SON IS IN THERE! HE JUST RAN IN THERE TO SAVE THEIR BABY!" He screamed with tears in his eyes. I looked back at the house as I heard it starting to make those popping sounds and cracking sounds.
Commotion of Goldie's dad, the two parents, and our friends screaming for Goldie to come out took over and I couldn't even think anymore. "GOLDIEE!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

(Goldie's POV)

I reached the top of the stairs and looked back down quickly as the beams started falling from the ceiling. I gasped and ran to the room where the crying was coming from. I entered the doorway and seen the room also covered in flames. "Sh*t..." I whispered. I ignored the heat and smoke and ran to the baby crib. I looked down inside it and seen a little animatronic. I picked her up gently and rubbed her back as I looked around trying to find a way to get out. The doorway was now filled with flames. I backed up to a wall and looked around. There was a window next to me. I turned around and looked out it. I seen firefighters starting to spray the house and another trying to calm the parents and my dad and even my friends. I looked down at the baby and at the closed window. I had her in my unhurt arm so this was gonna hurt.
I put my other hand under the windows top edge and forced it up. Pain shot through my shoulder as I did that. I dropped the upper half of my body and yelled in pain. I bit my teeth together hard and picked myself back up and opened the window even more. I looked behind me quickly as flames got closer to me. I gasped and looked back forward. I jumped out the window and onto a part of the roof. I looked down as everyone was screaming for me to come down. 'How?!??!' I thought. I looked over when the firefighters brought the truck closer and one guy was on the ladder. He moved it closer and stopped it next to me. "Here! Let me have the baby!" He told me loudly. I handed her to him and looked down at the ground. My heart stopped. "Okay! Now you come on buddy..!" He told me as he held out a hand. "I- I can't..! I'm scared of heights!" I yelled. "It's okay! I'm here! I won't let you fall!" He continued to yell as the fire got louder and louder. I swallowed hard and took a step forward and grabbed his hand. He helped me on the ladder. I felt myself getting weaker and weaker as he put an arm around me to help me stay up. I grabbed my chest with my hand and gasped for fresh air. As we got lower to the ground, everyone ran to us. An ambulance had come as well and the paramedics ran to us with equipment. The firefighter helped me to get off and he handed the paramedics the baby. I stepped down and soon fell to the ground and started to choke. "Goldie!" I heard Freddys voice. I blinked slowly and gasped for air. I felt someone put their hands on me and flip me onto my back. I can't even keep my eyes open anymore..

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