Between Two Hearts [Goldie X Freddy] Chapter 2

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Between Two Hearts [Goldie X Freddy]



I woke up the my alarm going off again. I turned I off and let my arm hang off the bed once again. I rolled to my other side of my bed and looked outside. I groaned quietly as I sat up in my bed and looked around my room. 'Oh yeah.. I forgot we was moving and packing..' I thought before I got out of bed. I walked to my door and opened it and walked out. I walked to the kitchen to find my dad packing everything up still. Even throughout my entire house, we didn't have much so it was pretty easy to pack everything so quick. It seems he had been packing all night cause there was a lot of boxes by the door and everything was off the shelves. I walked over to my dad and looked at him. "Morning Goldie." He told me. "Good morning.." I said as I rubbed my eyes a bit. "Hey. I got those parents of your friends numbers. Do you want to hang out with them again?" He asked me. "Sure." I replied and smiled. "Okay. Make yourself a bowl of cereal and eat so we can get ready to go. I'll call them and let them know." He told me. I nodded. I went to a counter and grabbed a box of cereal and a bowl. I went to the table and poured myself some. I closed the box and put it back. I went to the fridge and got the milk out. I walked back to the table and poured it inside of it and closed it. I put it back and got a spoon out of a drawer. I walked back to the table and got on a chair and started to eat.

I finished my breakfast and headed back into my room. I went to one of my boxes and got a paper and pencil out of it. I went to my desk and sat in my chair. I set the paper on the desk and started to write. {hi Freddy! It's me Goldie! I just wanted t say thank you do what you have done with me and been such a nice person towards me. I hope that we can stay friends forever and ever. I really like how you came up to me without being shy or scared and just allowed me into your group of friends. Thank you for being so nice to me. Can't wait to see what we do in our future together!} I wrote and put my pencil down after I was done. "Goldie! Come here bud!" I heard my dad call out. I grabbed my letter and jumped out of my chair and ran to him. "I called Freddys parents and they said that you could come over to his house if you want to." He told me. "??" I was confused. "To.. his house? By myself?" I asked. He nodded. "Wanna try?" He asked me. I swallowed hard. "Um.. okay.." I replied. "Okay great. Let me call them again and let them know you would like to hang out together." He told me. I nodded as he walk to the kitchen and called them. I stayed by the door and just waited. He walked back afterwards. "Okay let's go. It's not that far but we'll drive there." He told me. I nodded and followed him out to the car again.

We arrived at Freddys house I'm assuming. It was pretty far from mine. My dad got out of the car and so did I. I held onto my letter tightly against my chest. We walked to the door and my dad rang the doorbell. I took a step back when the door opened. It was Freddys mom. "Hey! I'm assuming you're Goldie?" He asked me. I nodded shyly. "Heh come on in bud." He told me. I looked at my dad. "I'll be back to pick you up later okay?" He asked me. I nodded shyly again. He walked down the steps and Freddys dad grabbed my shoulder gently. He walked me inside the house and shut the door behind us. "Come with me. Freddys room is upstairs." He told me. I nodded and followed him. We walked up the stairs and up to a door. He opened it and walked in. "Freddy. You have a visitor." He told him. "Come in." He told me. I walked in and seen Freddy sitting on a chair. His face lit up when he saw me. He jumped off his chair and ran to me. He hugged me tightly. "Goldie! You're here!" He said excitedly. I giggled softly as I nodded at him. "Okay. I'll let you two play for a while and then Goldie's dad will come pick him up later. Have fun guys." Freddys dad told us and walked out of the room and shut the door. "Goldie I'm so happy you could make it!" Freddy told me excitedly. I smiled at him. I looked around his room. He sure kept everything neat and tidy. "I like your room freddy." I told him. "Thank you." He replied. As I looked around his room a bit, he had two book shelves, a bed, a nightstand, a mirror, and a small closet. His walls were painted a light blue color, bed sheets and blanket were also blue but had some black on them. His shelves were wooden and his mirror frame was black. He didn't really have any toys or kid stuff but neither did I. He had a few board games on his shelves and some books on them. There was a coupon stuffed animals on his shelves and one on his bed as well. He also had a window by his bed with black curtains. The chair he was sitting on before he got up was one of those saucer chairs. Also blackish gray. 'Hm. He sure does like black and blue.' I thought to myself. "Come here goldie." He told me and grabbed my hand. He lead me to a shelf. It had a fish tank on it. "I have a couple little fish. Look." He told me. I didn't even notice it till he pointed it out. "I have two goldfish. One black one and one orange one." He told me. I looked inside the tank and seen them swimming around. He had a nice set up for the fish to. Little hidy things and it looked like real plants. He also had colorful rocks at the bottom and some sand. "What's their names?" I asked. "The black ones name is sushi." He told me. I looked at him. "Sushi?" I asked. He nodded and laughed a bit. "I know. My friends picked it out so I kept it. Haha it makes me laugh all the time." He told me. I giggled and shook my head. "The orange ones name is Goldy." I looked at him. "I know huh. But I couldn't think of any other names. Plus Goldy is a popular name for goldfish." He told me. "Haha true. How long have you had them?" I asked him. "about 3 years." He replied. "Wow. I've had fish before but they've died within a couple months. How do you do it?" I asked. He shrugged. "I just love my fish. I take really good care of them. My parents even take them to the vet when something isn't right." He told me. "Vet? For fish?" I asked. "They exist." He replied. "Huh. That's cool." I told him. "Do you have any pets now Goldie?" He asked. I shook my head. "No. My mom was gonna get me a cat but.. you heard about what happened." I told him. He lowered his ears a bit. "Oh.. I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have asked." He told me sadly. I shook my head. "It's okay. You didn't know." "Did you want a cat?" He asked. "Yeah but I'm fine without one. I'll survive." I told him. We just stood looking at the fish for a couple more minutes. "Wanna play a game goldie?" He asked. I looked at him. "Sure. What should we play?" I asked. "Wanna play a physical game or a board game?" He asked. I shrugged. "Hm.. let go play outside. We have a swing set back there." He told me. I nodded. He grabbed my hand and lead me out of his room. We walked down a long hallway and turned a couple times till we reached a door. "We're gonna be outside dad!" He called out. "Okay be carful!" His dad told us. "Come on goldie." He told me and opened the door. He let me out first and then he walked out. He grabbed my hand again and made us run down the stairs and to the swings. He let go of my hand and jumped on a swing. I got on one next to him as he started to swing. I started to do so as well.

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