Between Two Hearts [Goldie X Freddy] Chapter 5

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Between Two Hearts [Goldie X Freddy]



'*groans* Ugh my head...' I thought and rubbed the side of my head as I opened my eyes. I looked in front of me and seen Goldie sleeping peacefully. I lifted my body up a bit on my arm and looked behind me. Everyone was asleep in the chairs. I sighed and laid my head back down on the pillow. I raised my arm up and placed my hand on Goldie's cheek gently. I lowered my hand a bit to where it was under his chin and looked at his shoulder that was hurt. I noticed that he had bleed through the bandage a bit. 'I hope they change it when they come back in..' I thought to myself. I know it's not comfortable for him. I looked back up at his face and at his eyes. He just breathed slowly as if nothing had happened yesterday. I know when he wakes up that he's gonna be very sore but at least he's getting the rest he needs. I looked up at his ear when I seen it twitch quickly. I grinned softly at that. I loved to see his little ears twitch. It was so cute and so adorable. I slowly and gently laid on my back since I was tired of being on my side. I slowly shut my eyes again and just kept them shut. I was so tired.
I reopened my eyes when I felt someone touch my chest. I looked over to my right and seen nobody. I turned my head to the left and seen Goldie resting his hand on me. I gave him a soft smile and placed my hand on his. He slowly opened his eyes and looked up at me. I gently turned my body to him again but was careful with his arm. "There's my sweet Goldie's eyes.." I said quietly. He gave me a soft smile and moved closer to me. I put my arm around him gently under his arm. I looked over at the end of the bed when I heard the door open. Some guy walked in and walked over to us. I'm assuming he was the doctor since he was holding a clipboard. He gently put his arm on goldie shoulder. Goldie jumped and tightened his grip around me with his hand and wrist. "Sorry bud. Just checking to see how it is." He told him. Goldie lifted his head and looked over his shoulder at the doctor who was writing something on paper. "How are you feeling today goldie?" He asked him. "Um.. sore.." he told him. "That's expected. Okay buddy. I'm gonna prescribe you some pain medicine and some other medicine to prevent any infections that could be possible. I want your friend or father to go to the store to get some bandages like the one you have on now. Change it twice a day. Once when you get up and once before you go to bed. For a week Okay? I'll write a list of everything that needs to be done. I'll also provide you a thing to hold your arm in place since we can't exactly put a cast around you right there. I mean we can but your shoulder should heal just fine without one. Just don't move it much or lift heavy things up for a while. We'll call you in a few weeks to check to see how it's doing. I'm gonna send you home later today okay?" He told him. Goldie nodded his head slowly then laid back down. The doctor patted Goldie's side before walking away and out of the room. "What about school freddy?" He asked me quietly. "Forget about it right now.. your health is more important at the moment. You could have died and your life is more important then school.." I told him. "I'll let your teachers know what's going on.. okay?" I told him again. He nodded. I moved my head closer to his and kissed his forehead. "My sweet goldie.." I told him quietly. He looked up at me and gave me a soft smile.

(Couple hours later)(Goldie's POV)

Things aren't gonna be very easy for the next few days. Or couple weeks. I've been awake for 3 hours already and I have taken pain medicine already and the pain is almost unbearable. It hurts to even move my head. The nurse and doctor had come in 30 minuets ago telling us that I can go home in a couple hours. I was happy I could go home now but I was nervous cause it hurt so much already and I haven't even moved much.
I was laying on the bed still but with my upper body leaning on the wall so I was basically sitting up. Freddy was sitting on the end of the bed, Bonnie, Chica, foxy, and my dad was just sitting in the chairs in the room. I feel so bad for having them all worried. I looked over to the side of me and seen my plushy on the shelf. I lowered my ears a bit and looked down at the bed. "You okay Goldie?" I heard Chica ask. I looked up at her and nodded slowly. I noticed freddy looked over at me worried. "I was just thinking about my mom a little.." I told them. "What are you think about her?" My dad asked. "How she's been gone for so long and.. how you're alone and so stressed right now.. I feel so bad for worrying you and everyone else.." I told them. "No goldie don't worry about that.. it's not your fault. It's that idiot jacks fault. And Charlotte. As don't worry about us being worried. We care about you and want to make sure you're safe. We all love you." Bonnie told me. I looked down at my arm that got cut and sighed. "Is there something else bothering you Goldie?" I heard Freddy ask. I shook my head. "No.. I just don't want you all to be worried.." I told him. He got up off the bed and walked to me. He stopped by my head area and leaned over and kissed my cheek. "I love you Goldie. You're my boyfriend. I'm always gonna worry and so is your dad and our friends. We all love you and care about you so much. All we want to see is you happy and healthy." He told me sweetly. I gave him a small smile and put my hand on his that was on the bar. I took my hand off his and put it on the bar next to his. I slowly pulled myself up to sit down instead of leaning on the wall. I looked at my shoulder a bit and looked back at freddy. "Can you lower the bar?" I asked Freddy. He nodded and lowered it for me. I threw the blanket to the side off of me and swung my legs over the side to sit on the side of it. I put my hand on the side of my cheek and sighed. "Ouch..!" I cried out when I felt pain by my eye. "Be careful Goldie.. remember he punched you in the face? You have a bruise next to your eye.." freddy told me and lowered my hand. "Oh.. I forgot about that.. been too focused on my shoulder and arm I completely forgot about my face." I told him. He looked at me and nodded slightly. I looked over at the door when it opened again. It was the doctor. "Here goldie. Here's a list of what needs to be done at home okay? Here's your prescriptions to take to a pharmacy to get it filled. Sound good?" He asked me. I nodded as he handed the papers to my dad. "Oh. And there's also a doctors note for your school. I marked it for the whole week. I don't want you going for a week until you start to heal and feel better. Okay?" He asked me. I nodded. "Okay.. thank you.." I replied. "Okay.. so.. do we go home now?" My dad asked. "Yeah. Just go get checked out and you're good to go." He told us before starting to walk out of the room. "Thank you very much." My dad told him. "It's my pleasure." He replied and walked out of the room. I looked up and seen Freddy looking down at me. He held out a hand and I put mine in it. He helped me up and put a arm around my waist to help me stay up. "Be slow. I don't want you moving too fast right now." My dad said. I nodded as Freddy started to walk with me out of the room.

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