Between Two Hearts [Goldie X Freddy] Chapter 4

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Between Two Hearts [Goldie X Freddy]



I woke up to my alarm again. I leaned over and turned it off. I rolled back to where I was before and opened my eyes a bit. I seen freddy still sleeping. I gave a soft smile at him and put my hand on his. I lost my smile and took my hand off of his. I sighed and sat up in my bed. I looked over and looked at my bag. I rubbed my head and groaned quietly. 'I really don't want to go to class with Charlotte again. After what happened yesterday.. I couldn't.. I wonder if I could switch classes..' I thought to myself. I looked at my clock and it was 7:00am. I turned my body a bit and put a hand on Freddys side. I shook him gently. "Freddy.. Freddy wake up.." I told him. He groaned and opened an eye half way. "It's time to get up." I told him. He moaned quietly and rubbed his eyes a bit. "Heh get up sleepy. I have to as well." I told him. He grinned and sat up. "Are you gonna tell your teacher about Charlotte or what?" He asked me. "Um.. I was thinking about trying to switch classes.. but tell my Councelor what happened." I told him. "Good idea." He replied. We both got up off my bed and got our stuff ready.
We went to the kitchen and had breakfast.

We soon finished everything and headed to the front door. I grabbed my keys off the key holder and opened the front door. "Have a good day at school guys." I heard my dad say. I looked to the side of me at him and turned my head away quickly. I rushed out the front door completely leaving Freddy. I walked to the car and unlocked it. I got in and put the key in the ignition. I looked over at freddy as he walked to the car. He opens the door and got in. "What was that?" He asked. "What was what?" I asked. "You never ignore your dad.. what's wrong?" He asked. I sighed and buckled myself in as he did as well. We both shut our doors as well as I started the car. "It's no big deal.." I replied as I backed out of the driveway. I heard him sigh and just stay silent. I drive down the roads just staying quiet. Radio was off, freddy was just looking out the window. I looked in the rear view mirror for a second and back at the road. 'Come on goldie.. you have to tell him one day..' I thought to myself. I looked over at him real quick and back at the road. I stopped at a red light and waited for the cars to pass by. I tapped my finger on the steering wheel as I waited impatiently. "Um.. Freddy?" I asked. "Hm?" He did. I sighed. "I.. I have something else to tell you.. but.. I don't know if I can.. I know you won't want to be my friend anymore.." I told him sadly. "What do you mean Goldie? What could possibly ruin our friendship?" He asked. I stayed quiet and shook my head. I pushed on the pedal again and drove away.

We reached the school and I parked the car in a stall. I turned it off and sat there for a second. "Goldie?" Freddy said my name. I looked at him. "There is nothing you can say that'll make me dislike or hate you. You're my best friend and like a brother to me. You know I love you and wouldn't do anything or say anything to hurt you. You can trust me. Okay?" He told me sweetly. I looked away slowly. "Let's go.. we're gonna be late." I told him. "No we're not. Come on." He said as he got out. I got out as well and grabbed my bag from the back. We both shut the doors and I locked them. "Come with me." He said as he grabbed my arm and made me follow him.
He took me to the office building and took me to my Councelor. We stopped and stood outside the door. I looked at him. "You're gonna Tell her what happened yesterday. Okay?" He told me. I lowered my ears and nodded. "Goldie?" I heard her say my name. "Go..!" He motioned me in. I sighed and walked in. "Sit." She told me. I did.
"What can I help you with today?" She asked me. "Um.. I wanted to see if I couldn't switch classes.." I told her. "What's the reason?" She asked. "Um.. my.. partner came over to my house yesterday after school to do a project with me and.. she tried forcing sexual actions on me.." I told her embarrassed. "What?? What's this students name?" She asked. "Um.. Charlotte.. I forget her last name." "What class do you have with her?" "US government.." I replied. She looked around on her computer. "Aha. Found her. I'm gonna give her first period teacher a call." She told me. I nodded.

Between 2 Hearts [Goldie X Freddy]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz