Chapter 5

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ring ring ring. The exciting ring of a bell, dismissing kids for the day. "Well, how was having Lance in your classes."Pidge asked Keith. Keith laughed. "Well, he was very squeamish in Chemistry. He kept talking in Calculus, besides that, it's been... ok?" Keith joked. Lance's face turned sour. "Well excuse me, I'm sorry that I don't like looking at frog guts, and plus I couldn't help talking in Calculus, we were partners! Besides, I thought we bonded? Apparently not." Lance dramatized. Pidge smirked. "You guys bonded? That's good!" Hunk smiled, ignoring the rest of Keith's complaint. "Wait, Lance, how are we going to get there?" Keith asked Lance. Lance stopped walking to ponder. "Well, um... I could pick you up... wait, no I can't. Um... Can you get there by yourself? That sounds rude, but I have no way of getting you there." Lance asked.

"Wait, what? Are you two going on a date?! My dream ship is finally coming true!!!" Pidge screamed. Both Lance and Keith's face turned as red as a tomato. "N-no! We are just going on a little outing so we can get to know each other better, besides, they have a new exhibit at the zoo that I want to see. And this would be a good excuse for me to get to know Keith better and be able to see the new exhibit." Lance answered. Pidge's face immediately dropped. "That's lame. Why would you take Keith to the zoo?! Of all places, THE ZOO!" Pidge yells. Lance starts to frown. "I know, I know." Lance frowned. "Well, have fun my gay boys! Don't get to wild, and make sure you use protection~" Pidge jokes. Lance and Keith's face turn red yet once again with embarrassment. 

Pidge and Hunk walked onto their bus. "What bus do you go on?" Lance asked. Keith turned his head to look at Lance. "Bus 12." Keith answered blankly. "Oh, that's cool. I go on that bus as well." Lance smiled. Keith walked onto the bus, just as Lance did. "Keith, sit next to me!" Lance yelled. "Lance! Shush!  Everyone will here you!" Keith whisper screamed at Lance. Lance grinned and laughed. Keith did as Lance asked and sat down next to him. "Hey guys! Look it's the gay couple! Fags! Ha ha ha ha ha ha." Some guys yelled, pointing at Lance and Keith. Keith frowned and felt a tear drop down his cheek as he dipped his head down and out of sight. Keith felt Lance shift from where he was sitting to sit-standing. "Excuse me?! What the fuck did you just say! He happens to be the nicest guy I've met in a long time! Besides you guys, who are complete dicks! So go and suck as much dick as you like, then come back to me and say what you just said. Maybe then I won't have another thing to say." Lance protested. Keith felt his face burn up. "Lance... Why did you do that?" Keith asked 

Lance sat back down and hugged Keith tightly. Lance then wiped Keith's cheek, ridding Keith of anymore drying tears. "Don't cry. They are just a big 'ol bag of dicks." Lance joked. Keith chuckled. "Is it true... what you said about me?" Keith asked. Lance smiled. " Sí, Sí, todo lo que dije sobre ti es verdad. Te amo más que a nada en este mundo." Lance said while hugging Keith tighter. Keith didn't understand a word he said except for sí, which meant yes, but oddly, Keith felt safe and comfortable in Lances arms. "Te amo tanto, que ni siquiera lo sabes." Lance said. Lance sat there for at least a minute straight, being cradled in Lance's arms before having to move, due to his bus stop being present. "Well, see you later." Lance smiled at Keith. Keith smiled back and stepped off the bus, taking a deep breathe of fresh air. 


657 words 

Sí, Sí, todo lo que dije sobre ti es verdad. Te amo más que a nada en este mundo.- Yes, yes, everything I said about you is true. I love you more than anything in this world.

Te amo tanto, que ni siquiera lo sabes. - I love you so much, that you don't even know.

Ooooooh! More Klance action! See you next chapter.

The Danger Of A Kiss. *Klance* (Highschool AU)Where stories live. Discover now