Chapter 8

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"Keith! I need an explanation for what THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED OUTSIDE THAT DOOR WITH THAT BOY!" Keith's stepmom yelled. Keith flinched at sudden loudness. It was only him and his stepmother because Keith's dad had taken Abbie upstairs to calm her down.  "I-I-" Keith started as he was interrupted by his stepmother. "Hm? What? I can't hear you, speak up!" Keith's stepmom yelled once again. Keith sat there, on the verge of tears. "I-I, It didn't mean anything I promise, please I'm sorry!" Keith started screaming in pain as she pulled his hair to pull him up. She pushed him down to the ground. He started to inch away from her when she started to kick him. 

"PLEASE, STOP!" Keith screamed out in pain. "No! This what you get, you deserve this you fag. I never even liked you!" She yelled at him. He started to anger at his mother and stood up against her hitting. He started to hit her, that was until she grabbed a beer bottle and broke against the table. "Want to fuck around with me huh, DIE FAG!" She screamed. He started to run u to his room. He quickly started to dial for Lance. "Pick up! Please! AGHHH!" He screamed out in pain. She had struck him straight in the head. His father came out and saw what was going on. "FRANCINE! What are you doing?! Get off of him!" His father shouted at Francine. He darted at Francine. Keith took this as a chance to crawl into his room. Little did he know, Lance had heard almost all of that. "KEITH! Keith?! Are you ok?! I'm coming over!" Lance panicked. Keith could just barely hear what Lance had said but could just understand the concept. "Lance...No...Don't...You'll...Hurt...AGHHHHH!" Keith just managed to get out as he felt throbbing pain in his head. 

"Keith! I don't care if I get hurt, I don't want you to get hurt! I'm almost there." Lance panicked even more. "Fine...Just...Ugh...Go...To...Right...Side...Window..." Keith muttered into the phone, out of breath, blood dripping down his face. He heard little knocks at his window. He dragged himself towards the window. Just then, he heard a girl screaming, crying, and pleading. He opened the window as quickly as his body allowed him to. He tried as hard as he could to get Lance up, but that's not what Lance wanted. "Jump down! I'll catch you! I promise!" Lance yelled. Keith panicked even more when he heard more bottles being broken and a girl screaming and crying even harder. "I can't! Abbie, she's in trouble! I have to get her!" Keith just managed to scream out, his throat burning with pain. Lance's face soured more. He nodded and stayed there. Keith smiled weakly and ran out of his room

He ran to Abbie's room to find a bloody floor and a screaming Abbie. "KEITH! MOMMY HURT ME!" Abbie screamed out in pain. Keith hugged her tightly. "I know, I know, ssh, it's ok, but you have to be quiet in order for her not hurt us anymore." Keith comforted Abbie. He took her and ran to his room. He shut his door and locked it. As he walked towards his window, he heard massive amounts of banging and knocking at his door. "UNLOCK THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW! I'M NOT DONE WITH YOU!" Francine screamed. He looked at Lance and held Abbie up. Lance got ready to catch Abbie. "I love you Abbie." He kissed her forehead. He then chucked her out the window to Lance. He shut the window and locked it. Lance started to look worried and panicked, just like Abbie. He smiled weakly at the pair out on the grass. Abbie deeply contrasted the dark grass and sky, Keith remembers when he used to go out at 9:00 every night to look at the stars. But tonight was not that night. He walked towards the door and braced himself for the upcoming storm.


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I probably should have warned you that there was going to be lots of gore and pain and stuff in this chapter. oops.

The Danger Of A Kiss. *Klance* (Highschool AU)Where stories live. Discover now