Chapter 12

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"La...Lan...LANCE!" Keith screamed. Lance looked around worriedly and saw nothing but darkness and Keith, bound up in chains and locks. "Keith?! Keith! Oh, god. What's wrong, what happened!" Lance panicked. "PLEASE! AGHHHHHH!" Keith begged, letting out a blood curdling scream. Lance felt tears prick his eyes. Lance than saw the locks and chains wrap around Keith tighter, tight enough to make it difficult for Keith to breathe. "PLEASE! GET OUT OF HERE! WHILE YOU STILL CAN!" Keith screamed, tears falling down his cheeks, falling onto the floor, pain written all over his face. "No! I'm not leaving you again!" Lance sobbed out. Lance ran towards Keith and tried breaking the chains and locks, but to no avail. "No! How do I get you out?!" Lance yelled in terror. "YOU CAN'T!" Keith cried out. Lance's face paled. "What? No no no no no! PLEASE NO! There has to be a way. No." Lance cried, heartbroken. 

Then as suddenly as you can goodbye, Keith dropped into the darkness, screaming all you can hear. "No. No no no no no NO! NO, PLEASE NO! Keith, no, please no." Lance sobbed. Lance had fallen to his knees and had cradled his head in his hands. Lance just kept repeating the words no, until he couldn't anymore. Tears flowing from his eyes. "Lance! Lance! Wake up!" Keith screamed in pain. Lance looked up and around, but couldn't see Keith. "AGHHHHH!" Lance screamed. Lance felt tears drip down his moist cheeks and saw a puffy, red eyed, Keith, sitting right in front of him. "KEITH! Ah, you're alive. I'm so happy." Lance cried into Keith's shoulder. Keith hugged Lance tightly. "Yes, I'm alive, did you have the same dream?" Keith asked. Lance looked up from Keith's shoulder. "You...You were bound up in chains and locks... and... and... y-you died. And.. and I-I couldn't do anything." Lance choked out in another sob. Keith hugged Lance even tighter. "It's ok, I'm here now aren't I?" Keith asked. Lance looked up to see even more tears falling down Keith's cheek. 

"Yeah. Was your dream any different?" Lance managed to get out. Keith nodded as his face grew pale. "Yes. Well, we are at the pool, I don't know where but, we were at the pool, than you had slipped and fell, and for some reason, your feet were now in concrete. You were drowning and I couldn't do anything to help you. I just sat and watched you die right before my eyes." Keith told Lance monotone. Keith sat there doing nothing but letting tears fall down his cheeks. Lance than leaned forward and let his lips settle onto Keith's. Keith jumped at the sudden contact. "Lance? What was that?" Keith asked, blushing hard. Lance backed up and blushed, looking the other way. "I- Well- Um- I- Uh... I'm sorry, I just...  Look, I like you a lot, but that doesn't mean I can just upright kiss a second time! I know, I know, what I did was wrong but-" Lance was blurting out until Keith kissed him passionately, interrupting the Cuban boy. "It's amazing what a day with you can do to me." Keith chuckled. Lance smiled warmly and snuggled into Keith, enjoying the warmth he was providing. Keith smiled, dang, Lance's smiles are contagious. They both cuddled each other and slept the rest of the night peacefully. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~561 words.

Did I remind you that the Angst wasn't over? Still isn't, maybe, IDK. But at least you got angst and fluff in one chapter. Sorry for the lack of words in this story. Just wanted to write a quick chapter. Hope you guys liked it, cuz I sure did! XD

The Danger Of A Kiss. *Klance* (Highschool AU)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora