Chapter 11

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"Lance? Question, where is my sister? Also, um, where am I sleeping?" Keith asked Lance. "Well, I don't know where your sister is, but if I had to guess, she is in the guest room. And I don't really know where your going to sleep, I mean, I don't care if you sleep in my room, but I only have one bed. Maybe I could sleep on the floor, I don't know. We'll figure that out later. Let me show you where the guest room is." Lance answered. Keith nodded. Lance started walking out the room to the guest room, two doors over. Keith followed Lance into the room. When Keith walked into the room, he saw a slumbering Abbie. But Keith had stepped on a creaky floor panel, waking Abbie up.

"huh? Keith? KEITH! You're safe! I missed you so much!" Abbie cried. Abbie ran over to Keith and gave him a big hug. "Shush, your going to wake up the others. "Sorry." Abbie whispered. "Keith? Is Abbie up? I don't mind putting her back to bed. Also, you forgot your tea. Unfortunately it's cold. Sorry dear." Emilia sounded from afar. Emilia walked near the room. "Yes, she is awake, but I can get her to sleep. Thank you though. By the way, I drink my tea cold." Keith answered. Emilia smiled. "Ok then, your tea is downstairs. I'm going to hit the bay as well, if you need me, just get me, alright dear? Night." Emilia told Keith. Keith smiled and thanked her. 

Emilia walked down the stairs and to her room. "Wheres your dad?" Keith asked. "Hm? Oh, my dad works night shifts. I don't see him til I get out of school. That's the only time I see him." Lance answered. Keith was cradling Abbie so that she was asleep in his arms. "You really are good with kids." Lance smiled. Lance peered over Keith's shoulder to look at Abbie. "Hey, Lance. I had a lot of fun today, and thanks for putting up with me and Abbie. As soon as I find a place to stay, I will get out of your house. I really am thankful and sorry." Keith voiced. "What? One, you don't need to leave, It's not like I'm pressuring you to leave, honestly, I want you to stay. And two, why are you sorry?" Lance asked. "Well, I mean, I don't have to be here, neither does my sister, we could've just gone to my brothers house. He would've been cool with it, I just called you because I wanted you to get my sister out of that hellhole. Which I'm thankful for you doing. Thank you so much." Keith explained. Lance smiled weakly and hugged Keith. This caught Keith by surprise. "Your welcome. If you ever need my help, you know where I am." Lance reminded Keith. Keith hugged back. Lance then let go and picked up Abbie, setting her down on the bed. Lance tucked her in and kissed her forehead. Keith smiled.

"I think I'm going to take a shower and go to sleep." Keith told Lance, getting up form the crouch that he was just in. "Ok." Lance confirmed. Keith started to walk as Lance stopped him. "Wait, you can borrow some of my clothes, I'll set some out for you in my room. I'll most likely be in the living room watching some chick flick or something if you wanna join. What do you want for shirt and pants as well?"Lance asks. "Um...I really don't care, give me whatever." Keith answered. With that Keith walked out the room and to the bathroom. Lance takes this information and goes to his room to get some clothes."Ok, let's see, what should I dress emo Keith in? Hm. Aha!" Lance voiced happily. Lance took out a white tank shirt, saying 'Whatever, I'll just date myself.' And some dark red shorts. And Lance pulled out his white tank top that said 'hot' and some dark blue shorts.

He took Keith's clothes and set them on the bed. Lance stripped of his clothes and put on his pj's. Lance walked downstairs and sat down on the couch, taking the remote and turning on the TV. After about ten minutes, Keith walked out of Lance's room in the clothes and a ponytail. "Hey, watch'a watching?" Keith asked as he walked into the kitchen. "Mean girls." Lance answered blankly, to concentrated in the movie. "Ok." Keith answered as he picked up his cup of tea. Keith sat down on the couch, joining Lance. It only took Keith about 15 minutes to drink his tea, then making him very sleepy. Keith yawned and leaned his head on Lance's shoulder, closing his eyes to sleep. "Night, Keith." Lance says happily, resting his head on Keith's head, soon shutting his eyes as well.

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