Ricky mess's with the wrong girl

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Hulk POV

"Hurry up if you want too see your girlfriend" I say annoyed looking at neymar who was trying to finish his plate off pizza

"Man can you at least try too be nice I told you she's really incredible and nice and I love her so much " neymar says all at once

"If she's so nice then where is she" I say

"I dropped her home last night" a voice echoed neymar and I exchanged looks

"Oh yes I remember you told me that" neymar says as he saw David Luiz

"I'll come with you" David said

"The more the better" neymar finished

"Awesome I'll come too" Oscar says smiling

"Just get in before the whole team ask too come" I say laughing

Neymar was on his wheelchair so we all helped him in the car the boys jumped in the back and I started the car and drove too Cristiano Ronaldo's Pent house where his sister Macy lives after an hour we all got out off the car and helped neymar too the door, he stared knocking but no answer

"That's weird her car is out" David says in concern

"Maybe she's in the shower" Oscar says

"We'll I have the keys so" neymar says opening the door we all come inside and saw blood on the floor

"is that blood?" I ask in shock

Everyone looks down and notice a trail off blood we follow the blood and it leads too the kitchen when we saw a body on the floor with something over it I could here neymar hyperventilating and everyone else praying to god that this wasn't Macy, I took the clothes that's here hiding the body and gasped it was Macy she looked dead her head was bleeding and I looked back the boys didn't know who that was

"Call the ambulance now" I shout

David pulls out his phone and starts to call the ambulance

"Let me see" neymar says his voice cracking

"Man don't" I say shaking my head

Oscar pushed me aside and took the cover off her and gasped so did neymar I looked over too him and saw a shocked expression we here'd footsteps up stairs and Oscar and I looked at each other

"Theirs someone upstairs" I whispered

"Be careful" neymar says

As Oscar and I try to go up so one runs down the stairs in all black, black jacket black jeans black mask black shoes they knocked over Oscar but not me I grabbed the person by the neck and pinned them on the wall

"Did you do this" I growl

"She deserves to die" I here'd a familiar voice

Neymar and David came over with their wheelchair, I took the mask off and we all said his name in Union


Neymar tried to get up but he was in pain "sit down" I order him

"Yeah listen to your mother" Rickey says smiling

Neymar was swearing saying that he would kill Rickey

I punched Rickey in the face, making him fall on the floor

"How do you like that? Hitting someone who is weaker then you do you think that's fair" I shout in disgust

"His been hitting her all the time" neymar says tears in his eyes

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