Chapter 13

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Sandy's POV

My eyes slowly open one at a time it was so bright why was it so bright? I hear voices but can't understand what they are saying. There are blurred images of faces peering down at me and moving away then darkness comes again. Consciousness fades in and out. I can't tell if I am dreaming or not. One moment I am in a car speeding down the road trying to find Ricky then I'm here

Wait did I get in an accident

I knew my first name and after some effort I think I recalled my last name. Then I was left alone and laid there trying to comprehend what was going on. Where was I? How did I get here? What was wrong with me? Why am I tied down? I knew I was in a hospital but that was it. Nurses would come in and out but none off them would realise me not until I took the stupid mask that was on my face and sat up properly

"Hello?" I barely whisper I didn't have energy why didn't I have energy wasn't I just sleeping two seconds ago. wow I really don't know what's going on I'm pretty scared I wonder where Cristiano is.

I looked around the room and noticed a small tv handing on the wall, I turned it on it was the news it said 6:23 pm July 12 I blinked a few times that's not possible where in May it's May 15th where's my phone where's my bag I looked down my bag was there I picked it up and opened my Gucci black leather bag and perfume sent came out I smiled hey this smells really good of course it does.

Wow I'm talking to myself

"1,780 text messages!?" I gasp

This has to be a mistake theirs no way

I opened the phone and saw a bunch off messages from Macy what is she talking about.

Macy- dear sandy I know your not going to see this but I just want to let you know about my day. Today was pretty weird Neymar and I broke up. long story

Macy- dear sandy, I know your not going to see this but neymar and I are back together it was a big misunderstanding even though I saw slutty Bruna who slept with him she like full bragged about it!

Macy- please wake up I miss you x

Cristiano- Neymar read me your letter you sent him the thing is I love you too why am I texting you if you can't reply back I don't care I'll keep texting you everyday till the day you wake up because I love you and I'll wait for eternity if I have to ❤️

I gasped how the fuck did Neymar get the letter that was in my purse? yes I wrote it to him and Macy but I didn't give it to them I touched my head why did they think I would never see this again okay I really need to breathe

"Help!" I shouted loudly. no answer I looked around and saw a remote it had a little person on it

I'm not scientist but I'm sure that means calling a doctor or a nurse. I pressed the button and someone burst through my door I sighed in relief it was a doctor he looked around 40 years old he rushed over to me and a smile appeared on his lips

"Your awake !" he says smiling

"Why wouldn't I be why am I in a hospital" I ask slowly processing my own words what did I ask again? my mind was spinning around

"You need to relax mrs bartra" the doctor said slowly

"What are you talking about my name is sandy miller" I says looking at the doctor

"Your file?" he asked looking at a booklet his eyes widened "your parents didn't tell you" he closed the book

"Tell me what" I asked

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