Welcome to USA

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Authors note
Thanks so much for the 918 reads! love you all
So I start school tomorrow 😔after the break its going to be hard Trying to get my licence 🚗 !having a social life 💑 studying my ass off 📝 and writing stories on Wattpad! 📓 plus I'm trying to get a part time job 💠 :))) two more years off school left yay!!!! 🙌

Back to the story haha your going to love this (;

Neymar POV

Spontaneously jumping on a plane to American sounds crazy! but we where crazy Macy sat next to me while reading a magazine sandy sat next to Cristiano behind us we where in first class which wasn't a surprise I didn't care where I sat but Cristiano did so we all just went with him

"I'm so happy Germany won the world cup!" Cristiano says

"Yeah they deserved that, Portugal has Cristano, Argentina has messi, Brazil has neymar and Germany has a team" Sandy says

What is wrong with these people Brazil is good and so is Argentina you don't always win i close my eyes and breath deeply looking back and forth at Cristiano and sandy

"Argentina should off won, messi is a legend" I say

They all look at me in shock

"You hate messi! he stole your wife" sandy shouts

"How do you know that?" I asked

"TMZ BITCH" she laughs

"Yes I didn't like him but I've looked up to him for soon many years, you two Ronaldo" I say smiling

"Thanks man" Cristiano says smiling at me

I looked over to Macy who was distracted she was staring out off the window

"Mace" I say poking her, she looked at me and smiled

"Yeah?" she asked

"we didn't talk since yesterday" I say

"What are you talking about we where talking the whole time" she says

"Hi and bye isn't really talking" I say shrugging

"I'm just tired" she says turning her head and closing her eyes

"Okay then" I whisper

I don't know what's wrong with Macy, girls are weird.

I've been dating this beautiful girl for three months and I haven't had sex with her which is hard because everything she does turns me on.

Macy already stated when we first met that she isn't planing to have do anything like that until marriage I've never been with a girl for so long and we haven't done it but this is different

I'll wait for Macy because I love her and I want her

"Ehem" someone poked my shoulder

I looked up to a flight attendant she was smiling at me

"Hello" I say

"Your neymar jr right ?" she says smiling

"The one and only" I say

"I love you, can you sign my shirt" she says giving me a pen

"Am I going to get in trouble for this?" I asked

"No my boss is cool" she says

"How did you get this Job you look so young" I asked

"I'm seventeen" she whispered "but no one needs to know that"

The Brázilian boyWhere stories live. Discover now