Till death do us apart

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You know that sick feeling you get in your stomach, when you do something and you feel really bad? not like calling one off your friends ugly but when you say something about someone and they start crying that's how I was feeling today, I regret kissing Jude I found out she was awoken from coma and that's why she thought we where still dating I took her to the hospital straight after she told me, they say they don't know how she escaped and that she wasn't ready for the real world just yet, I'm just glad she's alive four years ago something happened and I wasn't proud off, I was pissed drunk with the hottest girl in town who was my girlfriend Jude, I put her in my car and speeded off she loved it I loved the adrenalin but only for a few seconds it took a few seconds to ruin someone's life the car flipped and landed backwards they announced her dead to me, I left New Orleans and started my life back in my home county Brazil which is where I met another girl two years after the accident this girl made me forget about Jude, she brung happiness to me and pain as well her name was Cassandra, this girl gave me something that I'll cherish for the rest off my life..... my son davi, even though Cassandra has full custody off him I get to see him when I want to I closed my eyes and images off davi pop in my head him playing with his Lego or him crying over spilled milk I open my eyes and think off Macy, she probably hates my guts I saw her tweet something about her being happy that she was single I smashed my phone on the wall in anger I saw pictures off her and Marc bartra kissing I said goodbye to Jude while she was in the hospital last night now I'm laying on my bed staring at the ceiling it's a new day with a new head space last night was horrible and I wish I had a remote that could go back in time and change things because I'd be changing a lot


I bit my lip hard as i thought about it, as I thought about spending my whole life with Jude I smiled and realised I was daydreaming while I was driving failing to notice the car in front of me had come to a full stop in front of me I barely had time to react when i finally noticed it, my reflexes kicking in as I slammed on my breaks, tires screeching as I tried to stop. With a loud crash, the front end of my car collided with the other car's bumper, my airbags deploying as my body was jolted forward. I blinked furiously, coughing as i realises there was something thick and hazy in the air, and then I was struggling with the driver's side door for a few frantic seconds trying to get it open. I. stumbled out into the street, coughing furiously as I walked around the car, fiberglass crunching under my shoes, my eyes widening in shock as i looked at the now crumpled front end of the car. I raised one hand to my head, when suddenly I remember that Jude was in the car I sprint to her side and jolt open the door I looked at her and fell on my knees their was blood pouring from her face and their was glass sticking out off her forehead she was dead, i put my index finger to find a pulse but nothing..... nada it was like she wasn't even their all I could hear in my head was the sound off her screaming she sounded scared I wish I could just hug her and never let go, I fell back and sat down on the road and cried the man in the other car I hit was yelling until he say what happened with Jude now it was my turn to yell, he called the ambulance after a horrible and excruciating ten minute wait they arrived and declared Jude dead, it started raining and they disappeared leaving me on the floor just staring at the road ahead off me, I killed my girlfriend.

Flashing lights eventually arrived a little while later while i sat on the sidewalk shivering, arms wrapped around myself tightly. The officer who started interviewing me was nice enough to offer me an umbrella, but the fact that he kept getting me in the eyes with his flashlight was enough to make me want to hurt him. Since I was seventeen at the time , i was allowed to get off the hook without being medically examined, which was a relief because there was no way I could roll up her sleeves without starting shit I really just didn't want to get into. And so i was finally left alone, watching as my car was being towed away the whole road was clear now as if nothing happened I wish that was the case I wish I could just take back what happened why did Jude have to die? why couldn't it be me

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