Barcalona+Love= Pregnant

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Neymars POV

"READY....SET.....GO" I shout

I sprinted as fast a I could while the cold wind went through me, I smiled at myself I bet Macy already gave up I love winning I don't know why but it just gives me a rush, I kept running seeing the finishing line where all the boys in my Brazil football team waited cheering, I smiled and put my hands in the air... but in the corner off my eye I saw brown hair flopping everywhere and I knew that was Macy I sprinted even faster and as did she I turned to look at her while she was running and she smirked at me like she knew she would win, she went through the ribbon and won the boys cheered her name and I fell on my knees

"You've got to be kidding me brother" Rafaella says shaking her head "I bet money on you"

"How much?" I asked looking up at my sister


"Why the heck would you do that for?" I asked her trying to catch my breath

"Because your neymar jr... ugh mistakes..... I can't believe your fiancé bet you"

"Yeah we'll she was lucky" I say pissed off
I walked to everyone and Macy crossed her arms

"Own up" she says

"Huh?" I asked confused

"My prize... Remember ?"

I looked at her and shook my head everyone was waiting for me to talk

"I'm your bitch"

"Damn right" Macy says hugging me tightly

"You know I let you win right" I whisper in her ear

"I know" she laughs and kisses my cheek

Honestly I didn't let her win but I wouldn't confess that to anyone.

"What are you two newly weds going to do today" my sister says smiling

"I was thinking off watching a movie"

"Ugh boring!" she says

"I don't mind... as long as I spend my day with my new husband" Macy says biting her lip

Fuck she was perfect, I still can't believe she said yes we've only known each other for four months I give her a smile

"Macy and I are going dress shopping" David says smiling

"What do you know about dresses" I say laughing

"A lot... my mother owns a wedding dress shop I spent a lot of time judging women" he says

Macy and I laugh but Rafaella rolls her

"Rafaella come" I say walking far away so no one could here my convocation with my sister

"Yes brother" she says smiling

"Have you seen sandy today" I say

"Why did you pull me aside to ask about sandy ?" She says giving me a hesitant look, something along the lines off ' I know your lying brother tell me what's up' face

"I made a mistake" I say

He eyes widen in shock "please tell me
You didn't sleep with her" she whispers

"God no.. why would you even think like that?" I asked shaking my head

"What are you guys talking about?" Macy says looping her arms in mine I smiled at her

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