Just Coffee My Ass

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Neymars POV

Marc Bartra wanted to have coffee with Macy I wonder how his going to act when I come with her as we'll

"Promise me right now" she says her voice echoing in the elevator

I huff in annoyance and sing my answer to her

"I promise I won't hurt his feelings"

I could hear her sigh and fix her hair while walking out, just remember their just having coffee don't be the jealous boyfriend neymar your better then that

I See Marc wearing our Barcelona Jersey, great.

Just as we where about to sit down I put my arms around Macy and kissed her temple while making eye contact with Marc who just smiled.

I see the game his playing even if Macy can't she's always this gullible

"Hey Marc sorry I was late" Macy says sitting in the middle off us

"It's okay your so stunning you can take all the time in the world" he says smirking at her

She laughed and I could see her face going red.

"I'm going to need more then coffee to survive this" I mumble

"What babe?" Macy says looking at me

"Nothing" I say

I sat down and picked up Sandy's file, I brought it with me because her birth parents are in America,i looked at the name and my eyes grew wide

How have I not realised that her last name is Bartra and Marcs last name is also Bartra, Macy and Marc where talking about this Kanye west music video when I interrupted

"Hey Marc just out off the blue question, what are your parents names?" I asked smiling at him

Macy glared at me but I still focused my attention on Marc who was just laid back and nodded

Please don't be Gillian and Howard Bartra

"Why" he asked laughing

"Just wondering dude" I say anxiously

"Howard and Gill" he says smiling proudly

"Gill short for Gillian" I asked once again

"Yes Gillian and Howard Bartra why are you asking me?" he says

"I got to use the rest room" I say

I got up and turned around to see Marc's arm around Macy

I went over and kissed her in front off Marc just so he could know that she was mine and I didn't like sharing I glared at him and walked away

You may flirt with her but I gave her a kiss that makes her think off me 24/7 good luck competing to that you dick

Stop being so jealous neymar !

I walked in the toilets, I didn't even need to go I just wanted to waste time i felt hands on my ass and I turn around in shock some pedophile

No. worse then a pedophile. a teenager girl

"What are you doing this is the men's room" I say my voice echoing

"I love you neymar" she says crying

"Please go" i say

"But I just want a photo" she says

"In the men's room?" I asked

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