The End

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6.84 reads? wow I don't know what to say... wow thank you so much, I hope you all enjoy the last chapter off 'THE BRÁZILIAN BOY' cheers x

I did a Sequel to this book it's called Footballers & Wags if you loved this series then you'd love what happens in the other book as well!

Neymars POV

I sat on one of the many hard plastic chairs in the waiting room of the hospital, trying to find a comfortable position that eased the soreness

Sitting anxiously with the boys in the waiting room, hours have passed hoping that Macy delivered the baby

"Why didn't you go in with your wife?" oscar asked looking at me

"She said she didn't want me, sandy is there with her" I said shrugging

"I can't believe I'm going to be an uncle I'm far too attractive" Cristiano says looking in the mirror

I look at him and smile what an

Idiot, I look around and realise my family was here, the boys where my family.

"Sorry that your sister couldn't make it" David Luiz said

"I know Afro" I joked

"Your lucky you got Macy she's a keeper" Marcelo stated, William and frank agreed with him

"Of course I'm blessed with such a gorgeous and intelligent women"

"With a nice ass" hulk said

Cristiano glared at him, to be fair that was his sister and if I here'd Someone talk about my a sister like that I would off acted like Cristiano

"Chill" the boys said making everyone laugh

I slouched down in the seat, crossed my arms over my chest, stretched my legs in front of myself crossing them as well, and tipped my head back, closing my eyes against the noise and commotion of the busy infirmary, letting myself be tugged down into some version of relaxation that was suspiciously like numbness.

I was roused when someone sat down in the creaky chair beside me with a sigh. I slowly raised my head and blinked a few times, re-orienting myself to the bustle of the hospital's routine. I wasn't sure how much time had passed, having first gotten lost in my thoughts then a half-dream, half-memory of Macy and davi and our new family did nothing to clear my head, but instead made him feel all the more out of place and anxious

"You snore," Alexis Sanchez commented, passing Me a small cup of steaming coffee. "Loudly," he added.

"Is it spiked?" I asked roughly, holding up the spongy cup in salute.

"I wish," Alexis said with a chuckle before taking a sip. "Don't suppose you could remedy that?" he asked looking at Me from the corner of his eyes with a smirk fixed on his lips.

"Sorry, man. I'm in enough trouble. Gotta draw the line somewhere."

Alexis sighed and held the cup between his hands gently rolling it back and forth, blowing on it. "I suppose you're right. Maybe later."

"Congratulations, by the way. On the Princess Shes beautiful"

Smiling brightly "she looks like Macy doesn't she? I can't wait too see her"

"Yeah, Macy and I haven't talked in awhile.. I just saw the princess with Cristiano"

I only nodded, not really daring to bring Macy into any conversation with Alexis right now. There was too much to be said and this was not the time nor place to say it. Best stick with the less complicated topics. "I'm sure she will be as beautiful as her mother and as talented as her father" I joked

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