Chapter 2 -- The Summons

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"Hey LaSalle. How was D.C." Okay I guess. I learned a lot but I don't think that I could take Gibbs every day"

"So did you get to see Sonja?"

"Yes We saw each other almost every day for two weeks then I got a note in my box at the hotel saying that she was gone. No good bye. No telling me where she went and why. No personal words. Just gone"

"You sound hurt." "Percy has been gone for over a year and a half. We're just a blip on the trail of her life.  Well we can only guess what she's up to. I'm sure she would have said bye if she had the chance."

14 Months Later

"Hey Tammy." "Yes Pride" "You need to go to the SCIF. You have a secure call from Isler"

"Isler?" "We haven't heard from him for almost two years. Can't imagine what he would want from me. Do you have any idea?" "Tammy, that why we have secure calls. Go!"

The screen comes up and Isler appears.

"Good morning Agent Gregorio. Hope you're well" "Yes, life's going fine. What do you need from me?" "I have some news and it's classified. You cannot disclose it to anyone not even Pride". 

"Well you have my attention now".

"I have some bad news. Sonja Percy is missing".  "Missing?" "Yes, she disappeared somewhere in Egypt."

"I know that's bad but why are you contacting me when she has family." " Because she left a note for me and asked me to contact you." "Why?" "Well, I'm not sure how to say this. Sonja has a young son. She wants you to care for him" "A baby? Sonja?" "Yes" "What about his father?"

"I don't know who his father is. You will need to come and get him and pick up the custody papers:"

"Oh boy. I don't know how to explain this Pride so I can ask for leave."

"Just leave that up to me Tammy"

"Okay. I'll see you as soon as I can" "And Tammy. Remember the rest of the conversation is classified"

"Everything okay Tammy?" "No, not really Pride but you can expect a call from the FBI later. That's all I can say right now"

"Hey Gregorio. What's up? You were in there a long time"

"You wouldn't believe it if I told you LaSalle. It's classified"

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