Chapter 7 - Hope Fulfilled

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"Hey everyone" King says as he descends the stairs. We need to go to the SCIF, we have a message coming in.

When the screen comes up, there stands the Director and Isler. "Hello everyone. I know you have been as challenged as we have in wondering about the fate of your friend Sonja Percy. I received a communication this morning that Navy seals were able to secure her alive." Everyone cheers. "She will be flown to the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany."

"The government will fly two members of her family to be there with her after she arrives. Agent LaSalle. I have also arranged for a seat for you on the air craft. In speaking with the mental health practitioners there, they thought it might be good for someone who knows her business to be present. And so you know, there will also be CIA operatives on site to be in the room most of the time."

"LaSalle, your recent clearance upgrade will allow you to be alone with her. I thought that might bring both you and Agent Percy some comfort. Just remember that you cannot disclose anything that she might say about her recent mission to anyone except those agents on site."

"Any questions?" "What about her son, Director" I asked. "Well, he will not be transported. I was able to get the CIA to agree to arrange secure communications with transmission duration of 3-4 minutes. She will be able to see the child and talk with him while one of you are in the SCIF with him and the caregiver if needed. Just remember that you cannot ask where she has been nor discuss anything other than the welfare of the child. Otherwise the CIA will end the transmission immediately."

"Agent LaSalle you're going to need to make sure that Agent Percy is reminded of the conditions every time the screen is ready to go up. The CIA does not play and I would hate for them to deny her the opportunity to keep in communication with her son."

"Anything else? I just want to add that I am happy for you all. We all need to be prepared for her homecoming. Agent Pride, Gregorio and LaSalle have been around captured personnel. The recovery can be difficult and confusing for all. She will need you all and you are going to need to prepare for it."

"I am sending a clinical psychologist to New Orleans tomorrow. She will be there for about a week to work with you all. If you want a one on one session, you are welcomed to request it.

Agent LaSalle. A repatriation team assigned to Agent Percy and two CIA operatives will fly with you and the family to Landstuhl and be on site until we bring Sonja back to the states. The clinical psychologist on the team will most likely stay with her at least a year and will work with you and her family while you are enroute to Germany. We will be following the military's guidance on helping her to normalize her psychological and behavior adjustments as she returns to society.

I make a bee-line for home as soon as we come out the SCIF. I burst into the house yelling for momma. "Christopher stop you'll wake up Liam". "I don't care" as I pick her up and twirl her around. "They found her momma, they found her and she's alive." We both dissolve into tears and shortly I hear my son crying. I go into Liam's room and hold him close crying "they found your momma baby. Your momma's coming home!"

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