Chapter 12 -- Bound Together

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Momma needed to go home and thought that she would take Liam to meet his uncle Cade and her own brothers and sisters. The house was so quiet without the boisterous little boy. Momma said that he made as much noise as Cade and I put together.

She was gone about three days when a package arrived for me at the office.

I told Sonja that King wanted to come over and try out a new dish on us. She cocked her head and commented "he doesn't have to do that I can just go there." "Well, I lied, he wants to make sure that all the equipment in our kitchen works before the warranties expire."

Sonja was still taking an afternoon nap with Liam so when 2 o'clock passed she was ready to pass out herself.

Tammy sneaked in the back door and sat the dining room table. It looked every bit like a page out of a magazine. Between what Sonja had bought and Loretta had collected the room was breath taking. I woke Sonja up by getting in the bed with her and kissing her on her neck. "Well hello to you Butch" she said. "Hey let's go out dance after dinner, we're childless" I said. "Okay but that means we have to dress. I don't know what's in my closet. Shoot, let's do it. Come on."

I was careful not to let her get distracted. " Look, momma's gone we can do that after dinner." As she sat on the bed, I took out a new dress that I had bought for her. "What's that?" "Oh, I just thought you deserved this for all the hard work that you have done the past year. You know that purple use to be reserved for royals right? Well you're my queen."

"Hey, I asked momma if you could borrow these and she said yes. They were her pearls that she got on her wedding day."

I put on my best suit. "Well look at you Country Mouse looking ever as dapper as a rich man's son." Sonja spouts off "I do clean up nice if I say so myself". "Wait a minute." "What?" "What's that smell?" "Your dinner I would guess" I responded.

King scared the crap out her as she went to follow the source of the smell. I was right behind her. King out did himself and then left after he lit the 'Bananas Foster'. "Are you leaving Pride?" "Yeah. I'll be back in the morning to do the dishes." "You don't have to do that, I think we can handle the dishes together. Thank you so much Pride. It was just wonderful" Sonja says.

I turned on Faith Hill and asked Sonja if she wanted to dance. "I thought we were going to do that later". "Let's just practice. Wait just a minute." With that I go to my knee before her and say "Sonja Percy I have loved you since the day you went on that tug and almost died. I am saddened to think that my mis-steps almost cost you your life. I should have been with you a long time ago. I want to be with you, walk beside you, hold you and grow old with you. Will you marry me?" Through her tears Sonja said "yes". I took out my grandmother's ring that momma had sent a few days ago from my pocket and put it on her finger. It slipped a little and we laughed. "I can take it to the jeweler tomorrow and have it sized baby." I kissed her and said "now let's really go out. You name the club and we'll go there." "I don't know Chris. Somewhere more quiet." "Hey how about the Cafe Negril." We were in the club about an hour when the band returned from its first set. The piano player said "we want to join in celebrating with Agent Chris LaSalle and his lovely lady Sonja Percy on their engagement." Sonja was shocked as everyone burst into applause. As we took to the dance floor, we were soon joined by King and Rita, Doc Wade, Sebastian, Tammy, Triple P and their dates.

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