Chapter 11 - Nature Takes Its Course

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It had been a long stretch. I probably had gotten 18 hours of sleep the last three days and most of that was in my truck while on a stake out with NOPD.

I rushed to get home before Liam had to go to bed. I was able to read him a bed time story. Once in my lap, he refused to get out so I sat there rocking him only to be gently awaken by momma. I stood up and laid him down in his bed and walked down the hall to my room. There I found Sonja waiting for me. She was sitting in the big chair facing the window but heard the door squeak.

"It's about time Butch." 

 "Hey Sonja. I must have fallen asleep rocking Liam."

"It's been a rough stretch for you hasn't it?" she asked. "Well why don't you catch a quick shower why I go get you something to eat." I laughed. "First Sonja you don't know how to cook my food. And second, you know that I shouldn't be eating this late."

The shower did feel good.

"Tell you what I'll just lay here with you until you doze off Chris. I can get myself back in my chair by myself."

We were laying there talking when suddenly I found myself in dream land.

We were back at the farm in Alabama. Just as Sonja came through the door of my old bed room, the wind caught her robe and gown and she laughed as she pulled them down. I asked "why bother when I'm going to just take them off any way?" And so she began to entice me and just as she reached me in the bed I woke up realizing that this wasn't a dream. I jump back out of her reach nearly screaming "Sonja what the hell are you doing" "Doing? I am here in bed with my man. I want you to make love to me Christopher." Creating an even farther distance I realized that my body had responded to Sonja's very abled fingers and that I was experiencing a full on erection. "Come on baby, did you talk this over with the doctors? Can you even have intercourse? And what about becoming pregnant?" "Chris, stop. I just want you to make love to me." "Sonja, we can't do this now not without medical clearance."

"Let's do it tomorrow." I looked at her exasperated.

"I mean let's get it cleared tomorrow. Now get back over here".

"Look Sonja, I never thought I would say this since the day we walked through the cemetery, but I think you need to sleep in your own bed tonight."

I knew she was really angry when she refused to allow me to help her to get back into her wheel chair. I found that she had locked her door when I went to say good bye the next morning. I just sighed and got in my truck.

I texted Sonja about 4 p.m. that afternoon and told her that King was letting us have a three day weekend. There was no response to the text and she refused to answer my calls. I gave up and finally left thinking I might as well go home and get the drama over with.

The first thing that I noticed when I got home was that it was quiet. I looked for momma and then noticed that the stroller was not parked by the back door. I went back to the kitchen to find a note from momma on the fridge saying that she and Liam were having dinner with Loretta and CJ. CJ doted on Liam and Liam relished being with CJ as well.

"Sonja" I call out. "Sonja are you here?" As I start walking toward her room, I find a trail of flowers. The air smells wonderful. The flowers lead to my bedroom. There plopped in the middle of my bed is Sonja in the least amount of clothing she most likely could find.

"Here", she stated sarcastically, "here's my doctor's note. I'm your new roomy like it or not. The doctor gave me this diaphragm and these for you to use for a month. She also stuck this damn thing in my arm. It has a 99.8 effective rate to stop pregnancies. So if you want to help me get this in, we can get this party started. Oh yeah, the doctor told me to have you read this first, so go call her and come back down with these on please."

The note was indeed from Sonja's doctor. She said to call her as soon as I got home. We spoke in some detail about Sonja's physical condition. She assured me that limited damage was done to Sonja's reproductive system but for me to take care in putting my full weight on her body for a while.

I was bemused that her chief concern was for me. "Don't push it Agent LaSalle. You are out of practice too. I can pretty well predict that the first try is not going to go well. Go slow, give it a week. Take the time to get to become reacquainted with each other through your words and touch. You're going to allow yourself to feel holding her close now that you know you are permitted to respond."

I should have known the doctor knew what she was talking about but I doubted her as I put the flimsy underwear on that Sonja had given me. After the first failure, Sonja was the one comforting me. She told me exactly what the doctor had said to me but I seemed to take the news better from Sonja than the medical expert. Ensuing attempts went just fine and within a week we were feeling completely comfortable once again with each other.

The second Sunday morning we stayed in bed while momma and Liam went to church. Right in the middle of 'the thing' in busted Liam. I had left the door just a little cracked. He had no idea what was going on but after that we never forgot to lock the door again.

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