Chapter 3 -- Meeting Liam

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"Good morning Agent Gregorio." "Good morning Assistant Director" Thanks for coming so quickly Tammy." "Where's the baby?" "He's downstairs with his nanny. I thought that you might want to do the paper work first. Why don't we start with this letter?

I warmly remember Sonja as I read her hand written note

"Dear Tammy.

If you are reading this, you must be here to get Liam. I want you to take him to his father. I never told Liam's father that I was pregnant or that I had given birth to his son. Why you you are asking? Because I know that you care about me and will help Liam's father deal with both his new found son and my death.

Also enclosed in this envelope is Liam's birth certificate. Please do not judge me. I did what I thought was best. I can't even begin to know what Chris"" oh my God" and I stop. "will do once he knows about the baby. He does favor him and has his smile. Once he takes the blood test it will confirm that this child is indeed his.

Thank you Tammy. I'm sorry to lay this on you but I know that I can trust you."


Oh my God is all I can think. I am speechless.

Next I pick up the folder with the paperwork as another man enters the office. "Tammy this is Douglas Mc Donald, Liam's advocate." "Doug, this is Agent Tammy Gregorio."

"Well, Agent Gregorio I am sad to meet you under these conditions but pleased to say that Sonja was right in taking steps to protect her son and his father's rights. However I do not envy you in having to disclose all this to him."

"First, here's the birth certificate. As you will note, Ms. Percy identified the child's father as a man named Christopher LaSalle. This document states that you know the man personally and will deliver the child to Mr. LaSalle."

"Please sign here and initial here."

"Second, here is a letter for Mr. LaSalle."

"Third, here is a court order allowing me as the child's advocate to deliver Liam into your temporary custody not to exceed 72 hours. You need to sign here and initial here."

"Next, here is a debit card. I checked the bank account again before I came over and confirmed that it has $10k in it. Her Will will be read at a later date as required by law and the rest of the estate will be conveyed then.

Lastly, here is a copy of Ms. Percy's will. When the proper time, Ms. Percy's nearest adult relative will need to file it in a D. C. court. I have been paid to assist the individual with that.

Looks like you're done with the paper work Isler says as he peeks through door. Here is the nanny. He motions for her to enter. There is another man carrying a child car seat. I meet Liam Christopher LaSalle. The nanny gives me the baby bag and as the man sits car seat under the desk. She kisses the baby and hands him to me and leaves struggling to keep her composure. 

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